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Baltic index marks worst week in 7 on lower vessel demand

The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index taped its worst week in 7, weighed down by weaker need across vessel segments. However, an uptick in capesize vessel rates assisted snap a sixsession losing streak on Friday.

* The general index, which factors in rates for capesize, panamax and supramax shipping vessels, edged up 27 points, or 1.49%, to 1,844 points.

* On a weekly basis, the index has actually fallen 13.4%.

* The capesize index gained 117 points, or 4.57%, to 2,675, however signed up a weekly decrease of 18%.

* Typical everyday earnings for capesize vessels, which typically carries 150,000-ton cargoes such as iron ore and coal, increased by $962 to $22,180.

* Iron ore futures rose to their highest level in over a. week on Friday and were on track for a weekly gain, buoyed by. robust usage and a brighter need projection in China, due. to its current property stimulus measures.

* The panamax index was down by 20 points, or about. 1.08%, to 1,825, marking its lowest level since April 17. The. contract was down about 10% for the week.

* Typical day-to-day revenues for panamax vessels, which. usually brings about 60,000-70,000 tons of coal or grain freight,. declined $175 to $16,427.

* Amongst smaller vessels, the supramax index was down. by 20 points to 1,405.