
Energy Markets

Republicans advise Biden to prevent French deal with Russian nuclear power company

Two prominent Republican politician U.S. legislators have advised President Joe Biden to avoid a. French business from working on civil nuclear power projects with. Russia's stateowned nuclear company Rosatom, stating doing. otherwise would help money Russian President Vladimir Putin's war. in Ukraine. In a letter seen , Representative Michael McCaul,. chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs. Committee, and Senator Jim Risch, the top Republican on the. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, prompted Biden to not waive. sanctions on Russia, saying it would enable French-owned. Electricite de France, or EDF, to participate in nuclear power. projects with Rosatom. The sanctions,...

Energy Markets

Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

United States State Dept says oil service firm SLB not breaking Russia sanctions

The U.S. State Department believes oil services firm SLB has actually not violated sanctions versus Russia and the company has actually been informed what Washington is willing to accept, Assistant Secretary of State Geoffrey Pyatt informed in an interview on Wednesday. I have actually had conversations with the CEO of that business ... I. think there is a clear understanding within SLB in regards to. where the guard rails are on the sanctions policy, Pyatt said. The U.S. and other European nations have sought to reduce. Moscow's energy income through sanctions that prompted several. oilfield service business to leave since...

Oil & Gas

US State Dept says oil service company SLB is not violating Russia sanctions

The U.S. State Department believes oil services firm SLB has not breached sanctions against Russia and the company has been informed what Washington is willing to accept, Assistant Secretary of State Geoffrey Pyatt informed in an interview on Wednesday. I have actually had conversations with the CEO of that business ... I. believe there is a clear understanding within SLB in regards to. where the guard rails are on the sanctions policy, Pryatt stated. Since Russia attacked Ukraine, the U.S. and other western. nations have looked for to minimize Moscow's energy income through. sanctions that prompted numerous service business to...

Oil & Gas

Ukraine hopes to boost winter gas storage for Europe by 60%.

Ukraine intends to keep around 4 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas for foreign companies and traders this winter season, up 60% from last year, regardless of Russian airstrikes on the nation's energy infrastructure, the head of Ukraine's state energy company stated. Storing gas assists Ukraine to collect profits while supplying Europe with additional supply flexibility after the continent cut Russian gas imports because of Moscow's intrusion of Ukraine. Oleksiy Chernyshov, chief executive of Naftogaz, informed Russia had assaulted the company's infrastructure five times because March, in the first such attacks considering that the war began in February 2022. He...

Oil & Gas

Zelenskiy says Russia targeted gas facilities that secure EU supply

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said a Russian attack on his nation's energy sector on Saturday had targeted gas facilities essential for supply to the European Union. Russia continues to provide gas to the EU through Ukraine under a. transit handle Russia's Gazprom that is set to. expire in December. Ukraine's energy minister said last month. that Kyiv had no plans to extend or change the arrangement with. Moscow, which pays Ukraine to export its gas to the EU. The main target was the energy sector, numerous centers. in the industry, both electrical power and gas transit facilities, in. specific, those...


European Commission anticipated to propose brand-new sanctions on Russian LNG, sources state

The European Commission's. next sanctions plan is anticipated to propose restrictions on. Russian melted gas (LNG) for the very first time,. consisting of a ban on transshipments in the EU and measures on. 3 Russian LNG tasks, three EU sources said. The Commission is in the lasts of settling its. proposal and is taken part in informal talks with member states. this week. The Commission declined to comment. The proposition would not ban imports of Russian LNG to Europe,. however rather target trans-shipments, which move LNG from one. vessel to another that then sails onto its last destination. The transfers...

Oil & Gas

Ukrainian drones strike Russian fuel depot, substations in significant attack

Ukraine attacked eight Russian regions with lots of longrange strike drones, setting ablaze a fuel depot and hitting 3 power substations in a. major attack early on Saturday, an intelligence source in Kyiv. informed . The over night attack, which was validated by the defence. ministry in Moscow, comes in the middle of a Russian airstrike project that. has battered Ukraine's energy system and pounded its cities in. current weeks. Dealing with installing pressure on the battlefield more than two. years given that Russia's major intrusion, Ukraine has actually attempted to. discover a pressure point against the Kremlin by targeting...

Oil & Gas

Putin: Russia needed to attack Ukraine energy sites in response to Kyiv's strikes

President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia had actually been obliged to release strikes that have actually caused heavy damage on Ukrainian energy websites in response to Kyiv's attacks on Russian targets. The Kremlin leader, estimated by Russian news companies, was talking to his ally, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, after overnight attacks destroyed a large electrical energy plant near Kyiv and struck power facilities in several regions of Ukraine. The president stated the strikes belonged to the procedure of demilitarisation of Ukraine-- one of the objectives he pointed out when he sent out Russian troops into Ukraine in February...

Crude Oil

United States to state Indian refineries help make Russia oil cost cap work

The G7 rate cap on Russian oil deliveries is cutting the revenue that Moscow has readily available to support its invasion of Ukraine, and the mechanism's efficiency is assisted by the current actions of Indian refiners, U.S. officials will state in New Delhi on Thursday, according to prepared remarks. The U.S. Treasury authorities, Eric Van Nostrand, assistant secretary for economic policy, and Anna Morris, acting assistant secretary for terrorist financing, will make the remarks at an occasion held by the Ananta Aspen Centre in New Delhi, the Treasury informed on Wednesday. We understand that the Indian economy has much at...

Oil Refineries

Ukraine states Russian oil refineries are legitimate targets

A Ukrainian deputy prime minister said on Friday Russian oil refineries were legitimate targets for its forces, after a media report stated the United States, a close ally, had actually asked Kyiv to stop carrying out drone strikes on refineries. Ukraine significantly stepped up its attacks on Russian energy facilities this month, introducing numerous long-range drones to strike Russia's most significant refineries, leading to the short-lived suspension of production at some of them. We understand the calls of the U.S. partners, however at the very same time we are combating with the capabilities, resources, and practices that we have, Olha...

Oil & Gas Exploration

Russian billionaires see collective wealth near $600 bln - Forbes

Russia's richest individuals included $72 billion to their fortunes over the previous year, taking their cumulative wealth to $577 billion, Forbes said on Tuesday, with Vagit Alekperov, former president of oil major Lukoil , taking Russia's leading area. In 2021, before Russia's intrusion of Ukraine, Forbes had estimated the overall wealth of Russian billionaires at $606. billion. High product costs in the past two years and. Russia's war-focused financial development suppressing the effect of. Western sanctions have aided a healing towards that figure. Numerous Russian billionaires fell under Western sanctions as. the West sought to penalize President Vladimir Putin and...

Oil & Gas

Foreign firms' losses from leaving Russia top $107 billion

The business exodus from Russia because its 2022 invasion of Ukraine has actually cost foreign companies more than $107 billion in writedowns and lost earnings, a analysis of business filings and declarations showed. The volume of losses have actually increased by one 3rd since the last tally in August in 2015, underscoring the scale of the monetary hit to the business world from Moscow's intrusion, as well as highlighting the abrupt loss of Western knowledge from Russia's economy. As Russia's intrusion continues in the middle of failing Western military aid, and the granularity of Western sanctions regimes boosts, business still...

Oil & Gas

Nord Stream insurance companies say policies did not cover war dangers, Kommersant reports

Insurance plan for the Nord Stream gas pipelines damaged by blasts in 2022 did not attend to protection in the case of war, Kommersant daily reported on Thursday, mentioning files submitted at London's High Court. Nord Stream is looking for more than 400 million euros ($ 427. million) from its insurers over the explosions which burst. pipelines created to transport Russian gas to Germany. It named. Lloyd's Insurance Company and Arch Insurance (EU) DAC. as defendants in the match. Sweden-- which in February dropped its investigation-- and. Germany have both discovered traces of dynamites associating with the. occurrence that burst...

Fossil Fuels

Fossil Fuels

Ukraine drones target two refineries, airfield in Russia's Krasnodar area, Kyiv source states

Ukraine attacked the Ilsky and Slavyansk oil refineries in Russia's Krasnodar area with drones early on Saturday, triggering fires at the centers, a. Ukrainian intelligence source informed . The attack was carried out by the SBU security service, the. source said. Ukrainian drones likewise targeted the Kushchevsk. military airfield in the very same area over night, the source. included. A number of social networks videos revealed the damage, the source. said. could not verify the videos, which showed huge. flames increasing into dark skies. The SBU continues to target military and facilities. facilities behind firing line successfully, the source stated....

Oil Refineries

Oil refinery in Russia's Krasnodar suspends operations after Ukraine drone attack, states TASS

The Slavyansk oil refinery in Russia's Krasnodar region has been forced to suspend some operations after being damaged in a. Ukrainian drone attack, the state TASS news agency pointed out an. executive managing the plant as saying on Saturday. On the back foot on the battleground in some places, Ukraine. has actually been methodically targeting Russian energy infrastructure. centers - despite U.S. requests for it to refrain from doing so - in an. attempt to disrupt Russia's economy and therefore its capability to. fund its war effort. A Ukrainian intelligence source informed that Ukraine had actually assaulted the Ilsky and...

Fossil Fuels

EU's proposed Russia sanctions to target oil tankers, ships moving North Korean equipment

The European Commission is anticipated to propose sanctions on ships providing North Korean military devices to Russia along with tankers that flout the G7 price cap on Russian oil, European Union sources stated on Wednesday. The Commission is finalising its proposal for a 14th plan of sanctions versus Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine. Western powers have implicated North Korea of providing weapons, including ballistic rockets and munitions, to power Russia's war device. Ukraine is progressively outgunned, with neither side able to make substantial territorial gains. The United States said in February that North Korea had delivered more than 10,000...

Refined Products

Power Markets

Nuclear Power

Ban on Russian uranium helps United States build nuclear fuel capability, official says

The U.S. has actually been preparing because 2022 for the possibility that Russian President Vladimir Putin would stop selling it nuclear power fuel, and a. pending ban on Russian imports will assist improve domestic capability. to process uranium fuel, the outbound leading atomic energy. main informed . The U.S. Senate passed legislation on Tuesday that bans the. imports from Russia, the latest relocation by Washington to interfere with. Putin's ability to pay for the full-blown invasion of Ukraine. that started in 2022. The restriction, which is expected to be signed by. President Joe Biden, starts 90 days after enactment, although...

Power Markets

US Senate authorizes bill to ban Russian uranium imports

The U.S. Senate approved on Tuesday legislation to bar imports of Russian uranium, as the United States continues to look for to disrupt Russia's efforts in its war against Ukraine. The Senate passed the step by consentaneous permission, meaning that no senators challenged it. The House of Representatives passed the costs in December. Uranium is used to power business atomic power plants that produce electrical energy. The legislation would ban the imports 90 days after enactment. It contains waivers in case there were supply issues for domestic reactors. The bill likewise maximizes $2.7. billion passed in previous legislation to develop...

Power Markets

Russian rockets pound power plants in central and western Ukraine

Russian missiles pounded power facilities in central and western Ukraine on Saturday, increasing pressure on the ailing energy system as the country deals with a shortage of air defences despite a breakthrough in U.S. military help. The air strike, performed with long-range missiles, including cruise missiles fired by Russian tactical bombers based in the Arctic Circle, was the fourth large-scale aerial assault targeting the power system considering that March 22. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy repeated a plea to partners for defensive missiles, especially the Patriot system. He said the targets included electrical power and gas transit centers, in specific those essential...

Power Markets

China coal rates have actually bottomed, will go beyond 2023 highs, market group states

China's domestic coal costs have actually bottomed out and will surpass 2023 highs this year, a. significant coal market group said on Wednesday. Total stockpiles are not extremely high, so if market. purchases increase, that will straight cause rates to increase,. said Han Lei, General Supervisor at the research department of. China Coal Transportation and Circulation Association (CCTD). China's thermal coal prices are currently at over 800 yuan. ($ 110.41) per metric heap, which Han said was being viewed by the. market as the cost flooring for this year. We are seeing some bottoming out and rebounding, he said. CCTD...

Power Markets

IAEA keeps in mind reported attack on Zaporizhzhia plant, Russia implicates Ukraine

The U.N.'s nuclear guard dog said on Thursday that authorities at Ukraine's Russianheld Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor had actually reported a brand-new attempted drone attack on the center's training centre less than two weeks after other similar occurrences. Russia-installed authorities at the plant, the biggest nuclear center in Europe, said Ukraine lagged the current occurrence. Russian forces inhabited the plant in the first weeks of the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine and each side has given that repeatedly implicated the other of assaulting the plant. Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Company (IAEA), has actually cautioned that attacks...

Power Markets

Ukraine to double power imports on Monday without any exports, grid operator states

Ukraine prepares to almost double electrical energy imports on Monday and does not anticipate to export power, the nationwide grid operator Ukrenergo said. Ukraine greatly increased imports of electrical power and halted exports after a series attacks on the nation's energy system in late March and early April, but later decreased imports due to favourable warm and windy weather. Ukraine on Monday might import a total of 9,242 megawatt hours ( Mwh) from Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Moldova, Ukrenergo stated on the Telegram messaging app. It said exports are not prepared. Ukraine imported 4,750 Mwh on Sunday, 833 Mwh...

Power Markets

Russia alleges Ukrainian drone attack on Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, no major damage

Ukrainian military drones attacked the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant but caused no damage to its critical infrastructure, Russian staterun RIA news company quoted journalism service of the Russiancontrolled center as saying. might not separately confirm the alleged event. In the past, both sides in the two-year-old dispute have implicated each other of shelling the plant, none of whose six reactors are running. Recently, Ukrainian forces' fight drones have been flying in the location of the Zaporizhzhia NPP. In particular, arrivals were taped today in the location of the freight port and nitrogen-oxygen station No. 2 of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, RIA...

Power Markets

Russia states backup power line to Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant has decreased

A backup power line supplying the Russianoccupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor in Ukraine has actually gone down, the Russiancontrolled management of the plant stated on Thursday. Ukraine's state-run nuclear power business, Energoatom, stated the primary 750 kilovolt (kV) power line, recently brought back by Ukrainian engineers, was still running. The 6 reactors at the Zaporizhzhia plant, held by Russia and located close to the front line of the war in Ukraine , are not in operation however it depends on external power to keep its nuclear material cool and avoid a catastrophic accident. The Russian management said on Telegram that the...

Power Markets

Ukraine anticipates rebound in power exports on Wednesday

Ukraine expects a significant rise in its electrical energy exports on Wednesday as the system recuperates from Russian rocket attacks, Ukraine's energy ministry stated. The attacks, the biggest of which was on March 22, triggered significant damage to generation and transmission centers, and required Kyiv to rely on imports, while exports fell to an insignificant amount. The ministry said on Wednesday power exports were expected to reach 1,487 megawatt hours (MWh). No scarcity of electricity is anticipated. Ukraine's energy system is steady and well balanced, the ministry stated in a. statement. The national grid business Ukrenergo said on the Telegram....

Nuclear Power

IAEA chief states Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant attacks run the risk of harmful shift in Ukraine war

Drone attacks on the Russianheld Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor in Ukraine need to stop as they might posture a new and seriously unsafe phase in the war, the U.N. nuclear watchdog chief informed his company's. 35nation Board of Governors on Thursday. Drones assaulted Zaporizhzhia, Europe's greatest nuclear power. plant, on Sunday, hitting a reactor building in the worst such. event since November 2022, though nuclear security was not. compromised, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has. said. Moscow and Kyiv have consistently accused one another of. targeting the plant since Russia took it weeks after it. got into Ukraine. Both nations...

Power Markets

Major Russian air strikes destroy Kyiv power plant, damage other stations

Russian rockets and drones destroyed a large electricity plant near Kyiv and struck power facilities in numerous regions of Ukraine on Thursday, authorities stated, ramping up pressure on the embattled energy system as Kyiv runs low on air defences. The major attack more than 2 years considering that Russia's. major invasion entirely damaged the Trypilska. coal-powered thermal power plant near the capital, a senior. authorities at the business that runs the facility told . Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow had actually been. required to introduce the strikes in response to Ukrainian attacks. in current weeks on energy targets inside...

Power Markets

Russian air strikes damage electrical system in southern Ukraine

Russian missile and drone attacks damaged Ukrainian energy centers in the Black Sea area of Odesa and the nearby city of Mykolaiv on Wednesday, maintaining pressure on the embattled power grid, officials stated. Russia, which has targeted Ukrainian energies throughout the two-year-old war, restored its aerial attacks on Ukraine's. energy system last month with strikes that destroyed a minimum of. eight power plants and several dozen substations. The Ukrainian grid operator said Wednesday's attacks caused. emergency situation blackouts in the southern areas of Mykolaiv and. neighbouring Kherson. The energy ministry said blackouts had. impacted over 400,000 consumers but power was...