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BHP expects copper need to grow by 1 mln metric loads a year until 2035

Australian miner BHP expects the world to take in an extra 1 million metric tons of copper annually usually until 2035 due to the adoption of copperintensive technologies, double the annual volume development in the past 15 years.

Copper has long been used in the construction, transportation and power sectors due to its toughness, malleability and conductivity. Over the last few years, it is also used in making electrical cars, green energy plants, and data centres.

BHP said in a report launched on Monday that international copper need has actually grown at a 3.1% compound annual development rate over the last 75 years. But this development rate has actually been slowing to only 1.9% over the 15 years to 2021, it said.

Aiming to 2035, nevertheless, we anticipate this development rate to leap back to 2.6% each year, the report stated.

Overall copper demand in 2023 was 31 million tons, consisting of 25 million lots of copper cathode and 6 million lots of copper scrap, according to BHP, which runs and owns the majority of the world's biggest copper mine Escondida.

As we look towards 2050, we see a 70% surge in global copper need to 50 million tonnes each year, driven by copper's. function in existing and emerging technologies, and worldwide's. decarbonisation aspirations, said BHP Chief Commercial Officer. Rag Udd.

The mining huge expects the energy shift sector will. represent 23% of copper demand by 2050, from 7% presently, it. stated in the report.

The digital sector, which spans information centres, 5G, synthetic. intelligence, web of things and blockchain, will account. for 6% of copper need by 2050, from 1% now, BHP projection.

China's demand will continue to grow, albeit at a lower. rate, because its copper usage per capita is just half that of. industrialized nations. India will also see development, it stated.

Meanwhile, copper mining output development is constrained by. high costs and diminishing ore grade.

We estimate the average grade of copper mines has decreased. by around 40% since 1991 ... We expect between one-third and. one-half of worldwide copper supply to face grade decline and. aging obstacles over the next years, BHP added.

The total bill for all expansion capex from 2025-- 2034 is. seen reaching around $250 billion, a significant boost from. the previous ten years, when the total spend on copper tasks. was around $150 billion, BHP stated.

(source: Reuters)