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Gazprom CEO Miller is not on Putin's China journey

Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller was not on Russian President Vladimir Putin's state check out to China because he was holding talks with the Iranian management, the world's biggest gas company said on Thursday.

Gazprom, which holds about 16% of worldwide gas reserves and employs 492,200 individuals, was once one of Russia's most effective corporate empires - so powerful it was called a state within the state.

But the loss of a huge portion of the European gas market due to Russia's war in Ukraine has actually hit it hard.

Alexei Miller held talks with the Iranian management on the dates of Putin's check out to China, Gazprom stated.

Russia is seeking to improve its pipeline gas sales to China, the world's largest energy customer and leading purchaser of crude oil, liquefied gas (LNG) and coal.

Leonid Mikhelson, the boss of Novatek, Russia's largest LNG producer, was on Putin's China journey.

One source, who talked to on condition of anonymity, said the fact that Mikhelson remained in China but not Miller revealed the growing significance of LNG and the influence of Mikhelson.

This highlights the interest in LNG projects, the source stated. The future, in basic, comes from LNG.

It was not immediately clear what Miller, 62, a close ally of Putin who has actually run Gazprom given that 2001, was speaking with Iran about.

Gazprom stated on Wednesday that Miller was on a working visit to Iran, a significant producer of natural gas, where he met Iran's. First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber and Iranian Oil Minister. Javad Owji.

Gazprom, thus far, is Russia's most significant business casualty of. the war: denied of much of the lucrative agreements to provide. Europe, Gazprom has actually struggled to fill the gap with either sales. to the domestic market or big-ticket exports to China.

The company plunged to a bottom line of 629 billion roubles in. 2023, its first annual loss in more than twenty years, amid. diminishing gas trade with Europe, when its primary sales market.


After the Soviet Union found vast gas and oil reserves. in Western Siberia in the 1950s and 1960s, Moscow and West. Germany concurred in the 1970s to construct pipelines to the West. partly in exchange for high quality pipeline from Germany.

The 50-year trade, which brought inexpensive gas from Western. Siberia to European production, was crafted over decades and. against intense opposition from the United States.

After Putin sent out soldiers into Ukraine in 2022, some of its. most significant EU clients cut gas imports from Russia's Gazprom, whose. boss in 2007 guaranteed it would one day be a $1 trillion business. Its current market capitalisation is around $41 billion.

Turning the Russian gas trade towards China has been. tough: China is 2,800 km (1,700 miles) away - across swathes. of Siberia's wild tundra - from Russia's gas capital of Novy. Urengoy in the Arctic.

Natural gas supplies began via the Power of Siberia Pipeline. in late 2019 and Russia aims to raise the yearly exports to. around 38 bcm from 2025.

Moscow also has an arrangement with Beijing for another 10 bcm. annually from a yet-to-be constructed pipeline from the Pacific island. of Sakhalin.

Russia has actually remained in talks for many years about building the Power. of Siberia-2 pipeline to bring 50 billion cubic metres of. natural gas a year from the Yamal area in northern Russia to. China through Mongolia.