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Turkish-Russian trade struck by fresh United States sanctions risk

A U.S. threat to hit financial companies working with Russia with sanctions has cooled TurkishRussian trade, disrupting or slowing some payments for both imported oil and Turkish exports, according to seven sources familiar with the matter.

The U.S. executive order in December did not clearly target energy but it has made complex some Turkish payments for Russian crude as well as Russian payments for a broader series of Turkish exports, the sources stated.

U.S. sanctions aim to reduce the Kremlin's income and interrupt its war in Ukraine without choking Russian oil streams to global markets, to avoid a politically delicate jump in U.S. gas prices with President Joe Biden seeking re-election in November.

However, similar payment issues to those now faced by Turkey have actually already interfered with Russian oil products to India and complicated those to the United Arab Emirates and China, according to oil traders.

Russia is the leading crude and diesel exporter to energy-poor NATO member Turkey, providing 8.9 million metric tons of crude and 9.4 million tons of diesel to its Black Sea neighbour in the 11 months to November.

The emerging payment issues are because of Turkish banks evaluating business and tightening compliance with Russian customers, 4 of the sources said. They have actually not interrupted Turkey's crude materials, delaying only a little number of freights, two oil industry sources said.

A source with a Russian oil major said Russian oil exporters have actually not received payments from Turkey for 2 to 3 weeks.

It has become challenging to make some energy payments to Russia, particularly after the brand-new sanctions (threat) at the end of December. Some payments were interfered with, a Turkish source knowledgeable about the payments issue stated.

The initially concurred upon approach had to be altered or the payment needed to be postponed, however the delivery continued. There might be issues on a cargo-by-cargo basis, the source stated.

The monetary and commercial sector sources went over the payment and trade interruption under condition of privacy offered they are not authorised to speak about the delicate matter.

Payment concerns started after December. The focus is not on oil imports, however it is upsetting. It has actually not impacted daily functioning however advises us that an issue could emerge any time, a Turkish oil market source stated.

When asked about, the Turkish Treasury declined to comment the concern. Turkey's banking watchdog BDDK did not immediately respond to an ask for remark.

Ankara opposes Western sanctions on Moscow even as it has criticised Russia's intrusion of Ukraine two years ago. It has managed to maintain close ties with both Moscow and Kyiv throughout the dispute.

Ankara has said the sanctions will not be prevented on Turkish soil, Washington increase pressure last year to stop the transit of dual-use products that Russia could utilize on the battleground, and has actually cautioned that Turkish banks and business could be hit by secondary U.S. sanctions.


The disruption to Russian-Turkish payments started when Biden signed the executive order on Dec. 22 threatening firms helping Russia prevent sanctions with the threat of losing evaluate to the U.S. financial system.

Banks operating on behalf of those targeted by U.S. sanctions are at risk, the order stated.

On Feb. 1, the Kremlin stated it was aware of Turkish banks tightening rules on Russian clients due to aggressive U.S. pressure, and that it was working with Turkey to discover solutions.

Russian Reserve Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina stated on Friday that there were extra troubles in foreign trade deals associated with logistics and settlements.

One Turkish banker stated banks carry out extremely. precise treatments regarding sanctions, with compliance. departments closely taking a look at all transactions.

This problem is really delicate and banks' compliance. departments are on top of it, another banker said.

A senior U.S. State Department official told it was. encouraged by reports that Turkish banks are reviewing existing. organization and tightening their compliance programmes for Russian. customers.

The President's Dec. 22 modification to our Russia sanctions. authority re-affirmed what we've stated previously: that foreign. banks are responsible for ensuring they do not. process deals that benefit Russia's military or otherwise. make it possible for circumvention of our procedures.

We have had comprehensive discussions with our Turkish partners. over the in 2015. We will analyse January trade information as soon as. available and anticipate continuing those discussions,. the official stated.

Preliminary information showed Turkish exports to Russia fell 39%. year-on-year to $631 million in January, having increased 16.9%. in 2015 to $10.9 billion. Imports from Russia fell 20.2% in. January to $4 billion, having actually dropped 22.5% in 2023 to $45.6. billion.

Unrefined imports from Russia leapt more than two fold to 12. million tons in 2022. It supplied 8.9 million tons of oil to. Turkey in Jan-Nov 2023, down 20% from the year before but still. above the pre-war average.

But much of the impact was on non-oil trade, sources stated.

Exports of equipment, in particular, stopped just because. of the similarity with military equipment, the very first source. acquainted with the problem stated.

The genuine issue arises not with the payment that Turkey. ought to make, but with the payment that Turkey will receive. This. reveals the high level of doubt Turkish banks have towards. sanctions, the source said.