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Swiss court finds former Trafigura executive guilty of corruption

Swiss court finds former Trafigura executive guilty of corruption

S witzerland’s top criminal court found Trafigura, a former executive and a company guilty of corruption on Friday in a case involving the payment made to an Angolan government official in exchange for oil contract.

The court ordered that the trading house pay $148 million as fines and compensation, and sentenced Mike Wainwright, a former employee of itss to 32 months imprisonment. Of this time 12 months must be served. You can appeal the decision to the same court.

This is the first case in Switzerland where a company was charged with corruption of an official from abroad. It's also a rare instance in the world of a former executive of a trading house being brought to trial.

The prosecution alleged Trafigura, among others, paid more than $5,000,000 in bribes to an Angolan official via a network intermediaries between 2009 and 2011 to secure oil deals.

Trafigura previously stated that the anti-bribery, anti-corruption and compliance program in place at its parent company at the time met legal requirements as well as good practice standards. Wainwright previously denied all allegations made against him. (Reporting and editing by Emma Farge, Matthias Williams).

(source: Reuters)