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Kazakh oil flow to Germany seen intact with Druzhba concern fixed, sources state

Pipeline operators in Poland and Russia agreed on a service that will permit Kazakh oil transit to Germany to continue, getting rid of a risk that it would stop in June, sources knowledgeable about the matter told .

Transneft alerted Kazakhstan in April that its oil transit to Germany could stop due to an impasse in licensing oil flow meters in Poland, needed by June 5.

Polish state-owned pipeline operator PERN had issues it might breach Western sanctions against Russia, Polish sources acquainted with the situation said previously this year.

PERN, Russia's state-controlled Transneft and Germany's PCK Schwedt refinery concurred that a non-Russian business will service the oil flow meters on the Polish part of the Druzhba pipeline, sources in Poland, Germany and Russia stated.

A Slovak business will offer metering maintenance for the Polish portion, removing the sanctions exposure to PERN. The meters require to be accredited occasionally to fulfill Russian requirements.

Transneft's alerting to Kazakhstan was a reminder of the landlocked country's dependence on Russia for its exports, with the majority of Kazakhstan's circulation of 1.5 million barrels daily, or 1.5% of worldwide supply, going through numerous Russian pipelines.

Transneft runs the Druzhba oil pipeline, among the world's largest, efficient in bring 2 million barrels per day. Flows through Druzhba have dropped dramatically because Russia's. invasion of Ukraine as the European Union declined to purchase Russian. oil.

The northern leg of the Druzhba system, connecting Germany by means of. Poland and Belarus, is now utilized for Kazakhstan's KEBCO oil. exports for the Schwedt refinery, which supplies most of. Berlin's fuel.

While the flow is fairly little, anticipated at 1.2 million. metric tons of oil this year, it has actually helped Germany to not rely. on Russian oil, a promise Berlin made in 2022 following Russia's. invasion of Ukraine.

Kazakhstan has extended the contract to supply the Schwedt. refinery till the end of the year, the Kazakh state oil business. KazMunayGaz stated on Tuesday.

A PERN spokeswoman stated the business was working with. contractors to find a service that will remain in line with the. existing laws.

Kazakhstan pipeline operator Kaztransoil stated that. currently there are no restrictions for delivering Kazakh petroleum. to Adamowo base on the Polish section of the pipeline near. Belarussian border.

The Energy Ministry of Kazakhstan said in a written response. to that Kazakhstan and Russian parties have actually agreed to. ship through Transneft and Druzhba trunk systems 1.2 mln tons of. crude from Kazakhstan to Schwedt refinery.

Transneft did not right away respond to a request for. comment.

Germany's economy ministry decreased to comment on. business matters. A bulk stake in the refinery has been under. German federal government trusteeship given that September 2022.