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Kazakhstan resumes gas exports after 2-year hiatus, sources state

Kazakhstan resumed gas exports in May that had actually been on hold since May 2022, sending 2,000 metric tons of the fuel to Georgia in May, 3 market sources familiar with the matter stated on Wednesday.

Kazakhstan banned fuel exports 2 years ago to protect its domestic market from fuel lacks. Before the ban was introduced, in April 2022, Kazakhstan delivered some 26,000 tons of gas to foreign markets. Prior to this Kazakhstan likewise suspended fuel exports in 2021, while in 2020 its fuel exports totaled up to 494,000 tons.

The Condensate refinery, an independent refinery in Kazakhstan, was granted an export quota for 12,000 metric tons of gas exports in May as part of arrangement with Russian Tatneft.

Early in May Tatneft agreed to provide some 15,000 tons of naphtha to the Condensate plant monthly enabling it to start gas exports. Under the arrangement the plant is able to export some 225,000 metric tons of gasoline.

The Condensate refinery and the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan did not right away react to ask for a. remark.

The train route for the supply of Kazakhstan's gasoline. from the Condensate refinery to Georgia goes through Russian. land around the Caspian Sea. The buyer of the product has not. yet been identified.