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Urals diffs the same, CPC Blend diffs firm

Urals petroleum differentials to outdated Brent were stable once again on Thursday, while CPC Blend oil differentials firmed amid enhanced need from refiners in Europe, traders said.

CPC Blend remained less expensive than regional alternatives in the Mediterranean, while European refiners had an interest in purchasing June cargoes of petroleum as the spring upkeep season ended, traders stated.

Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), the export path for CPC Mix, increased oil products in January-April by 4% from the very same duration a year previously to 22.715 million metric lots (1.44. million barrels per day), 2 industry sources said on Monday.


* BP bid for 90,000 metric lots of CPC Blend filling on June. 22-26. at outdated Brent minus $2.85 per barrel, above recent quotes,. but stopped working to find a seller.

* No bids or offers were produced Urals and Azeri BTC crude. in the. Platts window on Thursday.


* Profits from oil and gas sales for Russia's federal. budget are. set to decrease by around one third to 0.80 trillion roubles.