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Ambrey reports occurrence west of Yemen's Red Sea port Hodeidah

British maritime security firm Ambrey said it had received a. report on Tuesday of an incident around 50 nautical miles. west of Yemen's Red Sea port of Hodeidah.

A merchant vessel reported that a warship was firing,. Ambrey added in an advisory note.

The Houthi militia, who control the most populous parts of. Yemen, have fired exploding drones and rockets at ships with. commercial ties to the U.S., Britain and Israel, prompting. vindictive Western strikes on Houthi military websites.

The Houthis have promised to continue targeting ships. connected to Israel in solidarity with Palestinians up until Israeli. forces stop their

war in Gaza.

Turmoil from the conflict between Israel and Palestinian. Islamist group Hamas has actually rippled around the Middle East.

Apart from the Houthi attacks on important shipping lanes,. Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group has actually traded fire with. Israel along the Israel-Lebanon border, and Iraqi militia groups. have attacked bases that host U.S. forces.

The significant Copenhagen-based shipping company Maersk. has

alerted of disruptions

to container shipping through the Red Sea dragging into the. 2nd half of the year and of heavy blockage and delays for. U.S.-bound products.