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Anglo CEO satisfies S.Africa mines minister after BHP's takeover proposition

Anglo American CEO Duncan Wanblad is meeting on Friday South African mines minister Gwede Mantashe for the first time considering that the miner rejected BHP Group's $39 billion takeover quote, a source acquainted with the matter told .

BHP, the world's biggest-listed mining group, is privately talking with financiers as it weighs up its next relocation after Anglo's. rejection of its initial proposition.

Commodities huge Glencore is likewise studying a technique for. Anglo, sources told , a development that could stimulate a. bidding war for the 107-year old mining business.

Anglo decreased to talk about the meeting with Mantashe.

The source did not give details of the meeting.

BHP has proposed that Anglo offer its shares in systems Anglo. Platinum (Amplats) and Kumba Iron Ore as an alternative to leave the. South African possessions it does not want consisted of in the deal.

Anglo all rejected the proposition as opportunistic and. significantly undervaluing the company and its future. potential customers.

Its financiers are concerned that they stand to lose heavily. by holding shares in the South African subsidiaries, if they are. un-bundled.

There is a threat that South African regulatory authorities,. particularly its reserve bank, might be concerned about capital. outflows from foreign financiers not happy to hold the shares,. the source said.

BHP CEO Mike Henry, who is in South Africa to canvass views. from financiers on the business's proposed deal to Anglo, was in. listening just mode throughout a meeting with a Cape Town-based. fund supervisor on Friday, another source informed .

BHP executives likewise held a call with South Africa's Public. Investment Corporation previously in the week, a separate source. said.

Anglo has said it will satisfy its leading investors to hear their. views on BHP's method.