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Anglo American sells nickel business up to $500 Million

Anglo American sells nickel business up to $500 Million

Anglo American announced on Tuesday that it would sell its nickel mining business to an MMG Ltd unit listed in Hong Kong for up to $500m. A broader restructuring is underway to focus its operations on iron ore and copper.

Nickel business in Brazil includes two ferronickel projects and two greenfields.

Anglo will receive $350 million upon completion, up $100 million as a price-linked gainout, and an additional $50 million for potential project development, according to a company statement.

Together, the assets produce around 38,000 metric tonnes of nickel each year. In January, the metal's price fell to a record low of four years as Indonesia became a major producer.

Anglo American, a London-listed company, rejected a hostile bid of $49 billion from BHP in May. BHP was focusing on Anglo’s copper assets.

Duncan Wanblad, CEO of Anglo American, said: "We unlock the inherent value in all of Anglo American by creating a simpler business that is more resilient and agile. This will allow full value transparency on the market."

Anglo said this week that the spin-off from its platinum unit in South Africa would be completed by June, ahead of its financial results due on February 20.

Anglo sold coal assets worth $4.9 billion as part of its restructuring and plans to divest De Beers.

(source: Reuters)