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EEX, Nasdaq deal triggers EU issues about bundled items, rate walkings

EU antitrust regulators are looking for feedback on whether the European Energy Exchange (EEX). may broaden its market power by bundling items when it purchases. Nasdaq's European power trading and cleaning business, an individual. with direct understanding of the matter said on Wednesday.

The European Commission, which is taking a look at the deal, sent out a. survey to the business' rivals and consumers this month,. asking for replies early today, the person stated. EEX is. Europe's leading electrical energy and gas exchange, serving. 800 individuals.

One devoted section in the questionnaire has to do with. conglomerate results, the person stated, referring to the effect. on competitors from the merger of 2 companies in carefully. related however not completing markets.

The Commission wishes to understand whether the combined. entity could utilize its strong position in one market to increase. its market position in markets of comparable items, the individual. said.

The questionnaire asked if the merged entity might do this. by providing products only as part of bundles for a repaired charge or. making the sale of one product conditional on the sale of. another associated one, the individual said.

The Commission, which last year stated the merged company. could have a reward to raise trading fees or get worse. conditions for market individuals, declined to comment.

The questionnaire also inquired about the effect of the deal on. prices and the barriers for competitors to enter the marketplace, the. individual stated.

EEX and Nasdaq in their reaction to the Commission in 2015. stated the offer postured no considerable danger to competition in. Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway or any other EU nation, that. it would not eliminate competition between the two business,. which market response had been positive.