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NORDIC POWER-Forward costs rates slip on wetter weather view

Nordic forward power rates slipped on Thursday due to projections for greater rainfall in the hydropowerdependent area.

* The Nordic front-quarter contract decreased by 2.8 euros to 42.7 euros per megawatt-hour (MWh) by 10:55 GMT.

* The Nordic front-year baseload power agreement edged down by 0.15 euros or 0.3% to 49.15 euros/MWh.

* The dip in Nordic market is because of forecasted wetter weather. Forecasts recommend more rain and warmth starting next week, lasting until mid-June, based on the 46-day outlook, stated Oletom Djupskaas, a power expert at LSEG.

* We see that the German power agreements are continuing up today. This will dampen the fall of the Nordic rates.

* Germany's Cal '25 baseload, Europe's standard contract, increased 1.6 euros to 101.75 euros/MWh.

* Nordic water reserves readily available 15 days ahead were seen at 17.69 terawatt hours (TWh) below regular, compared with 21.40 TWh below normal on Wednesday.

* A damaging high pressure in northeastern Europe will cause warmer, wetter conditions, with greater rainfall. In spite of a minor temperature level drop, it'll remain above normal. Early June could see potentially above normal rain, Georg Muller, a. meteorologist at LSEG, said in a projection note.

* European prompt power rates increased on Thursday on. projections for falling wind supply which overrode the impacts of. deteriorating need ahead of the weekend.

* Carbon front-year allowances were up by 0.91. euro at 77.12 euros a tonne.

* The Nordic power cost for next-day physical shipment. , or system rate, increased by 13.92 euros or 63.47% to. 35.85 euros per megawatt hour