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Africa launches a new gold standard currency plan backed by minerals

Africa launches a new gold standard currency plan backed by minerals

Africa's Development Bank proposes a new "gold standard" style currency arrangement, backed by minerals like cobalt and copper, as well as lithium, manganese, and some of the rare earths that are key to the energy transition in the world and electric vehicles.

African Development Bank reported that the 54-nation area, which contains about 30% of critical mineral reserves in the world, only attracts 3% of all global energy investments every year.

The AfDB said that this is partly due to the volatile currency markets on the continent. It is proposing an "non-circulating" currency, called African Units of Accounts (AUA), which will be backed by vital mineral reserves.

Africa needs to invest twice as much in clean energy, averaging $200 billion per year. This will help reduce carbon emissions while also boosting vital electricity production.

The AfDB plan would see countries pooling a pre-agreed portion of their critical mineral reserves, and then local currencies being converted at a rate agreed upon.

The AfDB stated in a recent report that the idea was based on the Gold Standard, which anchored global currency stabilization. However, the AfDB did not give a timeframe for the introduction of the currency.

Abidjan's development bank floated this idea in 2013, but it is only now that the details have been revealed.

The AfDB stated that the CFA-Euro peg is further strengthened in Francophone countries and backed by external reserves. It added that a basket containing critical commodities would retain its value "better" than any African currency.

Emerging market countries have taken steps to mitigate the risks associated with their reliance on the dollar in trade and other transactions.

Donald Trump, the U.S. president, threatened to impose 100% tariffs on BRICS nations if those nations replaced the dollar as their reserve currencies.

The AfDB said that the new currency would help African governments to attract international money for green energy projects, as it "mitigated the currency and conversion risks".

The proceeds from the sale of energy in local currency would be paid by a designated settlement agent. This agent will then sell an equivalent amount of minerals for dollars to repay any lenders who have invested into energy development projects.

(source: Reuters)