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Singapore Airlines buys sustainable air travel fuel from Neste

Singapore Airlines Group ( SIA) ordered 1,000 lots of sustainable air travel fuel from refiner Neste, the very first supply of such fuel produced in Neste's refinery in the citystate to airlines at Changi Airport, Neste stated on Monday.

The agreement will see Finland-based Neste blend sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), made from 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials, with conventional fuel and deliver the mixed SAF to Changi Airport's fuel hydrant system in the second quarter and then in the 4th quarter of 2024.

Neste's Singapore refinery is the world's biggest production center for jet fuel made from waste products, with yearly SAF capability of up to one million metric tons.

This agreement with Neste is an important milestone in the SIA Group's journey to have a minimum of 5% sustainable air travel fuel in our overall fuel uplift by 2030, stated Lee Wen Fen, chief sustainability officer of the airline.

In February, Singapore revealed plans to need all flights departing the country to utilize SAF from 2026, as the city-state signs up with the worldwide air travel industry's efforts to switch to greener fuel. Under the plan, the country goes for a. 1% SAF target from 2026 and prepares to raise it to 3-5% by 2030.