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Asia spot costs hit near three-year lows as weak need weighs

Asian spot melted natural gas (LNG) fell to a fresh low today, easing to its least expensive levels in nearly three years, as weak need in Asia and Europe weighed on costs.

The average LNG price for April shipment into north-east Asia << LNG-AS > fell $0.50 this week to $8.30 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), its weakest levels because mid-April 2021.

Asian and European rates has been decreasing in tandem on the back of basic weakness and the lack of a relative flooring in both basins, said Toby Copson, head of energy, APAC, at products broker Marex.

There could be a brief reprieve as some players cover at attractive spot levels, however this might not sustain and further dips to historical normalcy could prevail.

Asian area LNG prices have lost nearly 30% of their worth given that the start of the year amid warm need and healthy inventories in both east Asia and Europe.

The fall in costs had actually incentivised LNG importers from markets like China and India to increase spot purchases. Thailand energy company Gulf Energy Development Pcl likewise said in its incomes statement last week it is expecting its very first LNG delivery at the end of February.

The freight, which is the very first LNG import by a private company in Thailand, will be for power production at the Hin Kong Power job, added Gulf Energy.

Copson from Marex said that Chinese tier two importers, or non-state backed companies, might see this as an opportune time to book cargoes, however the agreement is that there is more downward threat to come in the absence of any real demand.

In Europe, S&P Global Commodity Insights assessed its day-to-day North West Europe LNG Marker (NWM) rate criteria for cargoes delivered in April on an ex-ship (DES) basis at $6.655/ mmBtu on Feb. 22, a 34-month low in the middle of general bearishness in the gas and LNG complex, and a $0.50/ mmBtu discount rate to the April gas rate at the Dutch TTF hub.

Argus evaluated the cost at $6.850/ mmBtu, while Glow Commodities examined it at $6.858/ mmBtu.

At the moment we have pretty moderate weather scenarios in Europe. As an outcome, gas demand is reasonably low. This, in combination with the fact that Europe gas stocks are above average for the time of the year, continues to weigh on natural gas prices, stated Hans Van Cleef, chief energy economist at PZ - Energy.

LNG inflows remain strong, and as a result, the inventories are declining just gradually. This provides a very good starting position ahead of the filling season, which will begin early April.

Area LNG freight rates in the Atlantic fell to their most affordable levels in eight months, while Pacific rates were almost unchanged, said Henry Bennett, head of rates at Glow Commodities.

Atlantic rates this week were approximated at $49,750/ day on Friday, while Pacific rates were at $58,250/ day.