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Credit Agricole says it will not money 2 major LNG projects

Credit Agricole said on Monday that it would not supply funding to 2 significant liquefied gas (LNG) tasks, citing dedications to avoid brand-new fossil fuel developments.

The decision follows pressure on banks from ecological groups to shift financial investment dollars far from climate-warming oil and gas jobs. Barclays, HSBC and BNP Paribas have tightened oil and gas lending.

The French bank said it will not fund Exxon Mobil's. and Eni's Rovuma project in Mozambique, nor the Papua. New Guinea, LNG project which is backed by TotalEnergies. , Santos and Exxon Mobil.

Credit Agricole was the original financial consultant for the. Papua LNG and Rovuma LNG projects.

Exxon Mobil and TotalEnergies did not reply to requests for. comment, and it was uncertain if Credit Agricole's decision would. impact the jobs' development timetables.

The decision to not fund the task is a serious blow. to the task and TotalEnergies, and it might undermine their. capability to finance the job, Lucie Pinson of Reclaim Finance. stated of the Papua LNG export facility.

, if another bank desires to step in and take over the function they. . will require to start from the start, Pinson added.

Credit Agricole need to now reveal consistency, and stop. supporting the Mozambique LNG job that TotalEnergies is. presently seeking to relaunch, stated Lorette Philippot, Private. Finance campaigner at Friends of the Earth France.

Oil and gas companies have actually launched LNG tasks to accommodate. demand for the cooled gas that is anticipated to increase 50%, to. about 650 million metric lots per year by 2040.

A flurry of new construction tasks in Asia, Qatar,. Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. will compete for buyers.

With statements by banks in Europe, pension funds in the. U.S. make capital raising more tough, said an individual. acquainted with advancement funding.