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Financial Times - Feb. 21

Financial Times - Feb. 21

These are the most popular stories from the Financial Times. These stories have not been verified and we cannot vouch their accuracy.


Infrastructure adviser warns that regulation could stifle UK efforts to promote clean energy.

UK consumers are saving to boost their confidence as the economy is abysmal

UK plans to give banks access to the accounts of welfare claimants

Renault CEO: We will not rule it out that we return to Russia

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The government's infrastructure advisor has warned that Britain's approach in regulating its electricity network risks delaying the move away from fossil fuels because it focuses too much on short-term cost.

UK households prioritize saving over spending due to concerns about the grim economic outlook. Lower borrowing costs have provided some relief but could be a drag on growth.

Ministers are looking at proposals that would allow banks to access all accounts of claimants of benefits, in an effort to combat fraud and close a "gaping gap" in the UK's welfare system.

Renault's CEO said that the company wouldn't rule out returning to Russia as U.S. president Donald Trump presses for an immediate peace agreement to end the Ukraine conflict.

(source: Reuters)