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Singapore Airlines flight hits serious turbulence, one passenger dead, lots hurt

One traveler passed away of a. believed cardiac arrest and 30 were hurt after a Singapore. Airline companies flight hit severe turbulence on Tuesday,. flinging guests and crew around the cabin and forcing the. airplane to land in Bangkok, officials and the airline said.

The flight from London and bound for Singapore fell under an. air pocket while cabin crew were serving breakfast before it. come across turbulence, triggering the pilots to ask for an. emergency situation landing, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport general supervisor. Kittipong Kittikachorn informed a press conference.

The sudden turbulence occurred over the Irrawaddy Basin in. Myanmar about 10 hours into the flight, the airline company stated. The. pilot declared a medical emergency and diverted the airplane to. Bangkok, it said without offering further information.

was unable to validate the series of events or. whether the medical emergency came before the turbulence.

Photographs from the interior of the aircraft revealed large. gashes in the overhead cabin panels, gas masks and panels. hanging from the ceiling and products of hand travel luggage scattered. around. A passenger stated some people's heads had actually slammed into. the lights above the seats and punctured the panels.

I saw things lying all over and numerous air crew injured. with bruising, Kittikachorn said after the most critically. injured passengers and team had actually been evacuated.

A 73-year-old British man passed away throughout the event, most likely. due to a cardiac arrest, Kittikachorn said. 7 individuals were. seriously injured, some with head injuries. He included people. were calm as they were led from the aircraft.

Singapore Airlines provides its inmost condolences to the. family of the deceased. We deeply apologise for the distressing. experience that our guests and team members suffered on this. flight, the airline said.

Some tallies of the injured out of the 211 guests and 18. team differed. The airline stated 18 were hospitalised and 12. being treated in health centers. Samitivej Hospital stated it was. dealing with 71 travelers.

It was not immediately possible to reconstruct the occurrence. from publicly readily available tracking data, however a spokesperson for. FlightRadar 24 stated it was analysing data at around 0749 GMT. which showed the airplane tilting upwards and go back to its. travelling altitude over the area of a minute.

A passenger who was on the Boeing 777-300ER plane informed. that the occurrence included the sensation of rising then. falling.

Unexpectedly the airplane begins tilting up and there was. shaking so I started bracing for what was happening, and really. suddenly there was a really significant drop so everybody seated and. not using a seat belt was released immediately into the. ceiling, Dzafran Azmir, a 28-year-old trainee on board the. flight told .

Some people strike their heads on the luggage cabins overhead. and dented it, they hit the locations where lights and masks are. and broke straight through it, he stated.

Kittikachorn stated the majority of the passengers he had talked to. had been using their seat belts.

The spokesperson for FlightRadar 24 said relating to data. revealing a drop in height, our preliminary thinking is the. turbulence event is prior to the basic descent from 37,000 to. 31,000 feet. That appears to just be a flight level change in. preparation for landing.

Suvarnabhumi airport stated the aircraft asked for an emergency situation. landing at 3:35 p.m. local time (0835 GMT) and landed at 3:51. p.m. where unimpaired passengers disembarked to board another. airplane.

Singapore's Transportation Safety Examination Bureau (TSIB). will deploy private investigators to Bangkok to check out the occurrence.


Turbulence-related airline company accidents are the most common. type, according to a 2021 research study by the U.S. National. Transport Security Board.

From 2009 through 2018, the U.S. agency discovered that. turbulence accounted for more than a third of reported airline company. accidents and many resulted in several serious injuries, but. no aircraft damage. The NTSB is sending agents to. assistance Singapore's examination into the incident, it stated.

Singapore Airlines, which is widely recognized as one of. world's leading airline companies and is a criteria for much of the. market, has actually not had any major events in the last few years.

Its last accident leading to casualties was a flight from. Singapore to Los Angeles through Taipei, where it crashed on Oct. 31, 2000, into building and construction equipment on the Taiwan Taoyuan. International Airport after trying to take off from the. wrong runway. The crash killed 83 of the 179 individuals on board.

Singapore Airlines has had 7 accidents according to. records by the Air travel Safety Network.

Boeing stated it was in touch with Singapore Airlines. and was all set to supply support. It referred additional questions. to the airline and regional authorities.