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Trinidad looks for US license for BP gas task shared with Venezuela

The federal government of Trinidad and Tobago has actually started talks with the U.S. for a license that would permit the joint advancement of a gas task shown Venezuela that likewise involves BP, Energy Minister Stuart Young said on Thursday.

The Manakin-Cocuina areas belong to the Plataforma Deltana huge gas task on the Venezuela side of the maritime border, which stays idled. On Trinidad's side, BP runs the field, and is approaching a monetary choice to establish it in keeping with U.S. sanctions versus Venezuela.

Venezuela's government and BP recently confirmed speak to restore the joint advancement of Manakin-Cocuina, which had remained suspended for many years upon imposition of U.S. sanctions in 2019. Venezuela stated it was considering approving a separate long-lasting license for the task.

Trinidad has been pushing manufacturers over the last few years, particularly offshore, to speed up gas projects so that the production of melted gas (LNG) recovers, improving exports and petrochemical production.

Minister Stuart Young said he hopes Washington will approve the license for Manakin-Cocuina this year, similar to a 2023 permission it reached the Dragon gas project in Venezuela, which is being planned by Shell and Trinidad's National Gas Company (NGC).

The government of Trinidad and Tobago is handling the federal government of Venezuela, and bringing BP along, as we did with Shell. There is a precedent, a template for getting it done. And we have seen very, extremely quick progress and really productive development, he told on the sidelines of the CERAWeek conference in Houston.

BP did not have an instant comment.

The U.S. license for Dragon is set to end in October next year, so talks for a possible extension are already taking location, Young stated.

Shell and NGC have actually begun preparations for Dragon's.