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OPEC+ most likely to extend production cuts in June: Kemp

Saudi Arabia and its allies in OPEC+ are most likely to keep oil production unchanged for a further three months when ministers examine output allotments on June 1.

The tightening up of petroleum materials and deficiency of stocks widely prepared for at the start of the year has failed to materialise up until now.

If OPEC+ (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies) authorities had hoped to increase production into a. tightening market characterised by rising oil prices they are. likely to be irritated.

Crude stocks, futures costs and calendar spreads are all at. comparable levels to a year ago, making a significant boost in. output unlikely.

The group might nevertheless choose it needs to rescind a few of. in 2015's output cuts to pre-empt an additional increase in production. from the United States, Canada, Brazil and Guyana and prevent. yielding more market share.

However current market conditions suggest any increase is likely to. be symbolic, in the lack of a wholesale shift in method to. boost volumes and accept lower prices.


Front-month Brent futures have averaged $84 per barrel so. far in May putting them precisely in line with the average since. the start of the century after changing for inflation.

Costs have increased by just $6 per barrel, or 7%, compared. with a year ago when the group was preparing production cuts to. increase them.

Brent's six-month calendar spread has actually sold an average. backwardation of $3.54 (86th percentile for all months since. 2000) so far in May compared with $1.81 (60th percentile) this. month in 2023.

The increased backwardation indicates traders see the marketplace. somewhat tighter than in 2023 with a greater likelihood. inventories will diminish over the rest of 2024.

But the backwardation has been breaking down in current weeks. and has actually already narrowed from approximately $4.86 (95th. percentile) in April.

Chartbook: Oil costs and stocks

Despite a boost in stress across the Middle East,. causing a temporary rise in the war risk price premium, there. has been no real effect on oil products, and the premium has. mostly faded.

Diplomatic efforts have consisted of dispute in between Iran and. Israel, with no impact on either oil production or tanker. exports from the Persian Gulf.

Tanker traffic has been re-routed from the Red Sea and the. Gulf of Aden around the Cape of Good Want to prevent drone and. rocket attacks from Houthi fighters based in Yemen.


In the United States, business crude stocks are at. nearly the very same level as this time last year and near to the. prior 10-year seasonal average.

Commercial crude stocks amounted to 461 million barrels in. April 26 compared with 460 million barrels a year earlier.

Unrefined stocks were simply 5 million barrels (-1% or -0.11. standard variances) listed below the prior 10-year seasonal average.

There have been no indications of a substantial and sustained draw. down of inventories that would suggest the marketplace has been. under-supplied.

The majority of U.S. crude stocks are held at coastal refineries. and tank farms along the Gulf of Mexico, which is also the. area most closely incorporated with the international sea-borne market.

Gulf of Mexico stocks totaled up to 262 million barrels on. April 26, just 6 million barrels above the same time last year. and 15 million barrels (+6% or +0.57 standard deviations) above. the 10-year seasonal average.

The United States is not the whole international market however given. the effectiveness with which traders move barrels to make use of regional. disparities in between production and usage, it is a great. marker for the global balance.

U.S. crude inventories, global futures costs and to some. level softening calendar spreads all indicate a market relatively. near balance.

Portfolio financiers definitely appear to think so, with approximately. equal advantage and disadvantage dangers to costs.

On April 23, hedge funds and other money supervisors held a net. long position in futures and alternatives connected to crude rates. equivalent to 453 million barrels (46th percentile for all weeks. since 2013).

The position was an increase from 388 million barrels (29th. percentile) at the exact same point in 2023 however was essentially neutral.

Neither fund supervisors nor physical traders are signalling. the need for a boost in production from Saudi Arabia and its. OPEC+ allies in the third quarter.


Senior OPEC ministers and authorities worry the group's. policy is to be proactive and positive.

That may be true when it comes to lowering production to. avert an increase in excess stocks and stabilise prices.

When it comes to increasing production, nevertheless, the group. has actually usually waited till stocks have actually fallen and rates have. already increased considerably.

In this circumstances, stocks and costs close to the. long-lasting average suggest ministers are most likely to decide to keep. output unchanged, based on their behaviour in the past.

In the last years, OPEC+ production cuts have actually propped up. costs and supported continued growth in output from outside the. group specifically in the western hemisphere.

Some members of the organisation have expressed issues. about the loss of market share and pushed to increase. production.

Up until now, Saudi Arabia has led OPEC+ in cutting production to. reduce stocks and boost prices at the cost of volumes.

There are concerns about the long-lasting sustainability of. this method, but so far there's no indication of a fundamental. reconsider.

If ministers ultimately choose the loss of market share has. gone too far, they might cite more powerful projection demand and a. forecasted future decrease in inventories to validate improving. production.

That would expose a major modification in strategy to prioritise. volume over rates and there is no sign of it yet. If OPEC+. nonetheless chooses to reveal an output boost, it is most likely. to be little and symbolic.

Related columns:

- U.S. oil and gas production rebounds after winter season storm. ( May 1, 2024)

- Record U.S. oil and gas production keeps prices under. pressure (March 1, 2024)

- Western Hemisphere oil output rises, with a helping hand. from OPEC (February 21, 2024)

John Kemp is a market analyst. The views expressed. are his own. Follow his commentary on X