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EDF, Westinghouse appeal against Czech nuclear tender

The Czech antimonopoly workplace UOHS has actually received appeals from France's EDF and U.S. group Westinghouse over a multibilliondollar nuclear tender, a. representative stated on Tuesday.

The Czech government in July chose South Korea's KHNP to. develop 2 new nuclear power systems, and possibly more, picking. it over EDF. Westinghouse was not welcomed to the last round of. the tender.

EDF did not instantly discuss its appeal.

Westinghouse stated in a declaration it had actually appealed on the. premises that KHNP did not have a licensing agreement to export. its reactors which are based on Westinghouse innovation.

That has been the topic of an ongoing worldwide. arbitration procedure, and Westinghouse stated a choice from the. arbitration was not anticipated before the second half of 2025.

The Czech Republic has actually looked for to finalise agreement information. with Korea Hydro & & Nuclear Power (KHNP) by the first quarter. next year.

KHNP stated in a statement that KHNP will react. adequately to the conflict with Westinghouse to avoid negative. impacts on the Czech nuclear job.

Prague earlier this year widened the tender, which was run. by 70%- state-owned energy business CEZ, to have the. choice to develop numerous systems, up from an originally prepared. one.

(source: Reuters)