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Workers sign petition to collective bargaining at Rio Tinto’s Pilbara Mine

Workers sign petition to collective bargaining at Rio Tinto’s Pilbara Mine

Western Mine Workers Alliance in Australia (WMWA), said that on Thursday, more than 400 employees at Rio Tinto’s Paraburdoo Iron Ore Mine in Pilbara Region had signed a petition supporting collective bargaining.

The alliance launched a petition to begin bargaining in the mine for a first collective agreement after more than 20 years.

The company's website stated that the Paraburdoo Mine is part of Rio Tinto's Western Australian operations. This operation employs approximately 16,000 people and will ship 328,6 million tonnes by 2024.

The WMWA is formed by the Australian Workers' Union and Mining and Energy Union.

MEU said that the agreement would bring an annual increase in pay, as well as a reduction of living costs, among other things.

In a Facebook posting, the alliance stated that it would make a formal request to Australia's industrial tribunal Fair Work Commission to issue an order requiring Rio to engage in collective bargaining with its mine workers.

Rio Tinto's spokesperson stated in an email response that their current approach is helping to drive productivity and wage growth.

This model has created jobs, wage growth that is strong and sustainable, and royalties for the Australian economy.

(source: Reuters)