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Norway regulator contacts oil firms to increase exploration, investment

Norwegian oil and gas business should enhance financial investments in exploration and production to slow down a predicted decrease in output in the coming years, the country's petroleum market regulator said in a resource report on Wednesday.

Norway is Europe's largest gas provider and a significant producer of oil, pumping some four million barrels of oil equivalent per day, but many of its biggest overseas fields are in decline and there are presently no new advancements set up for the 2030s.

Norway's Offshore Directorate expects the nation's oil and gas output to peak in 2025, it stated on Wednesday,

in line

with previous projections, however the subsequent decline will depend upon the discoveries and on boosting recovery from existing fields.

More exploration and investment in fields, discoveries and facilities must for that reason be made if the decrease in production is to be slowed down, Kjersti Dahle, NOD's head of innovation and analytics, stated in a statement.

In January, approval said it expected oil and gas financial investments to be up to 193 billion Norwegian crowns ($ 18.37. billion) in 2028 from 240 billion crowns in 2024.

Approval's base case situation sees Norway's petroleum. output slowly declining by about two-thirds by mid-century to. around 1.4 million barrels of oil equivalent.

(source: Reuters)