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Top takeaways from Putin's journey to China

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a state see to China on Thursday where he was greeted by China's Xi Jinping.

What are the main takeaways from the visit?

* Xi and Putin declare a brand-new age collaboration:

In a joint statement, 7,000 words long in Russian, Xi and Putin pledged a brand-new period of collaboration between the 2 a lot of effective rivals of the U.S., which they cast as an aggressive Cold War hegemon that was sowing chaos throughout the world.

They declared opposition to the United States on a host of security issues and a shared view on everything from Taiwan and Ukraine to North Korea and cooperation on new peaceful nuclear innovations and finance.

There was little information on what actual offers they concurred, though the meat of the conference was expected to be hashed out informally over tea.

Putin took his new defence minister, Andrei Belousov, and a. big delegation with him.

* Putin's China journey signals top priorities:

By picking China for his very first foreign trip since being. sworn in this month for another six-year term, Putin is sending. a message to the world about his top priorities and the strength of. his individual ties with Xi.

Xi welcomed Putin on a red carpet outside the Great Hall of. the People in Beijing, where they were hailed by marching. People's Freedom Army soldiers, a 21-gun salute on Tiananmen. Square and kids waving the flags of China and Russia.

* Russia and China detailed a host of grievances against the. United States:

- Russia and China have severe issues at U.S. attempts. to violate the tactical balance

- Examples of this include: U.S. global rocket defence. involving the implementation of parts of it in areas around the. world and in area.

- Developing high-precision non-nuclear weapons for. possible decapitation strikes

- Extended nuclear deterrence with allies consisting of. Australia.

- Plans to release ground-based intermediate-range and. shorter-range rockets (INF) in the Asia-Pacific and European. areas, including their transfer to its allies.

- The parties strongly condemn these very. destabilizing actions, which posture a direct risk to the security. of Russia and China.

- The celebrations oppose the hegemonic attempts of the United. States to alter the balance of power in Northeast Asia by. developing military power and creating military blocs and. coalitions.

* Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller was not on the journey:

Gazprom, which holds about 16% of international gas reserves and. uses 492,200 people, was when among Russia's most effective. business empires - so effective it was called a state within. the state.

But the loss of a huge chunk of the European gas market. due to Russia's war in Ukraine has actually hit it difficult.

Alexei Miller held talks with the Iranian management on the. dates of Putin's see to China, Gazprom said, referring to a. working visit by Miller to Iran today.

It was not instantly clear what Miller was speaking to. Iran, a significant manufacturer of gas, about. Miller, 62, is a. close ally of Putin who has run Gazprom because 2001.