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New World Bank Loss and Damage fund names first director

The board of The Fund for responding to Loss and Damage to assist countries ravaged by climatedriven disasters called Senegalese financing specialist Ibrahima Cheikh Diong as its very first director, the World Bank revealed on Saturday.

The selection of Diong, a double U.S. citizen, marks a major milestone in the operationalization of the new World Bank-administered fund, whose development in 2022 was a. advancement for establishing country negotiators at United. Countries environment talks, getting rid of years of resistance from. rich nations.

WHY IT is essential

Now with the Philippines just recently picked as the home of. the fund and Diong appointed as director, the fund can start. turning the $800 million promised to it at last year's COP28. environment summit in Dubai into concrete financing ready for. disbursement, according to the presidency of the next round of. environment talks beginning in November in Baku, Azerbaijan, called. COP29. COP29's president will contact countries to contribute. more money.


Loss and damage had actually long been a controversial problem in the. U.N. environment talks, with less-developed countries calling for a. brand-new fund that specifically helps nations for the. devastating losses they've sustained due to increasing seas and. turbo-charged storms and wealthier nations concerned this could. end up being a form of settlement for the effect of their share of. greenhouse gas emissions.


The Fund for responding to Loss and Damage will make a. significant difference to those disproportionately affected, and. I take this responsibility with humility and a complete commitment. to serve, said Diong in a declaration.

(source: Reuters)