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Paris wheat hits one-year high up on Black Sea crop outlook

Euronext wheat jumped 3% on Monday to its highest in more than a year as worries grew over Black Sea materials after minimized harvest estimates for Russia and Ukraine and weather forecasts revealing relentless dry weather.

September wheat on Paris-based Euronext settled 3.0%. up at 269.00 euros ($ 292.16) per metric ton.

It earlier rose to 269.25 euros, a 15-month peak for the. contract and greatest front-month price because March last. year.

With Chicago wheat futures, which struck a 10-month high. last week, closed for the U.S. Memorial Day holiday, the trading. focus shifted towards Euronext.

A lack of rain and late frosts are believed to have actually hurt. crops in Russia, the world's greatest wheat exporter.

IKAR has actually devalued its wheat production projection from 83.5. million loads to 81.5 million heaps after bitter frosts, it said. on Monday.

Russia's Grain Union stated that 1.5 million hectares of crops. in Russia have actually been damaged by frosts, more than formerly. approximated.

In Ukraine, grain traders union UGA made a downward revision. to its projection for the grain and oilseed harvest, showing. lowered planting and a dry May in part of the nation.

Weather condition charts continued to reveal little rain in the coming. days for much of southern Russia, with increasing temperatures. possibly exacerbating dryness.

Today individuals are pricing in the absence of rain and a. Russian crop more like 80 million loads, a futures dealer said. of Russia.

A smaller sized Russian harvest this year could reduce ample. export supply that had pressed futures to three-year lows in. March.

Yet another forecast of a decreased Russian harvest came. today, reinforcing belief that Russia may not dominate export. markets in the brand-new season and the EU will get more export. service, a German trader said.

Russian rates

stayed firm amidst talk some east African importers have. been buying because of concern costs might increase even more.

Russian 12.5% protein wheat for June Black Sea shipment was. on Monday at around $250 a heap FOB, up from $249 on Friday and. $ 239-$ 240 early last week.

But general export need stayed light, with significant. importers staying on the sidelines for now.

In the European Union, crop tracking service MARS. cut its forecast for this year's EU soft wheat yield as good. potential customers in Spain and Portugal contrasted with negative. conditions in other places.