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NORDIC POWER-Forward costs set for weekly get on dry spell forecasts

Nordic power costs were headed for weekly gains, supported by a decrease in water reserves and expectations of drier weather condition till about midMay in the hydropowerreliant region, while greater rates throughout continental power rates likewise lent assistance.

* The Nordic front-quarter contract fell 0.1 euro or 0.3% to 34.6 per megawatt-hour (MWh) by 1156 GMT. However, the agreement was set to post an approximately 18% week-on-week gain - its biggest weekly dive in more than 3 months.

* The Nordic front-year contracts were stable at 44.60 euros/MWh, headed for a nearly 4% weekly increase.

* The weekly uptrend is a combination of weaker hydrological balance and a strong upward move in EU carbon allowances and gas costs in particular, said Sigbjorn Seland, chief expert at StormGeo Nena Analysis, in Oslo.

* Carbon front-year allowances were up by 1.59 euros at 74.10 euros a ton, and were poised for an 11% weekly gain.

* Germany's Cal '25 baseload, Europe's benchmark agreement, acquired 1.3 euros to 94.80 euros/MWh, and was set for an 8% weekly rise.

* Nordic water reserves available 15 days ahead were seen at 12.14 terawatt hours (TWh) listed below normal, compared with 11.90 TWh listed below typical on Thursday. Reserves were down about 3.6 TWh versus last Friday.

* Cool air from the Arctic will partially impact the eastern parts (of Scandinavia), while the south and west will be warmer ...( weather condition would be) drier than typical through about May 17 Georg Muller, a meteorologist at LSEG said in a projection note.

* Meanwhile, Sweden's 1400 MW Oskarshamn 3 - G3 nuclear reactor is expected to reboot on May. 4, the Nordic power exchange Nord Pool said in a market message on Friday.

* The Nordic power price for next-day physical shipment , or system price, fell 2.97 euros or 8.1% to 33.69 euros per MWh.