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Russia says it sees no point in Ukraine peace talks in Switzerland

Russia said on Thursday it saw no point in a conference being planned by Switzerland in midJune to talk about how to end the Ukraine dispute and to which Moscow is not presently invited.

The Swiss government stated on Thursday that at this stage Russia is not among the dozens of nations welcomed, including that while it was open to consisting of Russia, Moscow had consistently underlined it had no interest.

Switzerland in January said it would host the summit at the request of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow did not see it as a credible initiative.

We do not understand what kind of milestone it is, this peace conference, he informed press reporters. What sort of conference can we talk about, what sort of serious conference with major expectations of some sort of outcomes, without the participation of Russia?

This is entirely difficult, and it is clear that this is some type of initiative that is not focused on outcomes, he stated.

The Swiss government stated in a declaration, A peace process without Russia is not possible.

Zelenskiy, in his nightly video message, stated invitations had been sent out and explained the summit as almost the very first real chance to start bring back a simply peace.

He stated Russian President Vladimir Putin would attempt to interfere with the efforts of top participants with adjustment and with the force of strikes by his terrorists.

Zelenskiy's chief of personnel, Andriy Yermak, told Ukrainian tv that Kyiv was striving to have China attend the top.

China is extremely essential and consultations are continuously going on at various levels with the participation of our partners, he stated.


Ukraine's federal government has actually questioned the energy of Russian involvement in the talks due to be held from June 15-16 near the Swiss city of Lucerne.

We know that it does not make sense to have Russia at the table if you can not make sure that they act in good faith, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba stated in an interview with Diplomacy magazine published today.

Kuleba said putting pressure on Russia on the battlefield and uniting nations who share concepts ought to help to make Moscow more ready to take part in dialogue.

Russian officials point to Switzerland's adoption of EU sanctions versus Moscow over its intrusion of Ukraine, and argue it for that reason lacks trustworthiness as a neutral broker.

The Swiss federal government said the talks will build on Zelenskiy's peace formula, requiring the withdrawal of Russian soldiers and bringing Russia to represent its actions, also as other proposals based on the U.N. Charter and essential concepts of global law.

The delegations welcomed consist of members of the G7, G20, BRICS groups, the EU, global organizations and two spiritual representatives, Switzerland said.

The talks intend to create a framework for an enduring peace, and a roadmap for Russia's involvement at the same time, it stated.

The overarching objective of the summit is to motivate a. future peace process, the Swiss federal government said. Direct peace. talks in between Russia and Ukraine broke down in the first couple of. weeks following Russia's full-scale intrusion on Feb. 24, 2022.