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NORDIC-POWER-Forward prices hit over 3-month high on drier weather report

Nordic forward power rates struck an over threemonth high up on Wednesday on drier weather forecasts in the hydropowerdependent area, while strong European power markets contributed to the positive mood.

* The Nordic front-quarter contract was up 1.05 euros to 45.05 euros per megawatt-hour (MWh) since 10:25 GMT, having earlier climbed to 45.25 euros, its highest level considering that Feb. 6.

* The Nordic front-year contracts gained 0.3 euro to 48.5 euros/MWh, having actually struck a 4-1/2- month peak of 49 euros previously in the day.

* European wholesale spot power costs climbed on Wednesday, prompted by a substantial drop in wind energy production, while consumption in significant markets was projected to incrementally increase.

* Germany's Cal '25 baseload, Europe's standard agreement, rose 14.6 euros to 99.4 euros/MWh.

* Carbon front-year allowances were up 0.46 euro to 76.71 euros a tonne.

* Bullish weather condition stays a key driver, additionally increased by small increases in gas, CO2, and continental power, said Sigve Ekeland, managing director at Cemon AS.

* If these weather patterns persist as forecasted, we could witness a significant weakening of the hydro balance, resulting in a. substantial price escalation, stated Ekeland.

* Nordic water reserves offered 15 days ahead. were seen at 21.40 terawatt hours (TWh) listed below normal, below. 20.39 TWh listed below regular on Tuesday.

* Showers and thunderstorms will increase in 2nd half of. today. Comparable weather condition with above-normal temperatures and. spread showers continues next week. No major changes expected. before June 5, said Georg Muller, a meteorologist at LSEG, in a. forecast note. * The Nordic power price for next-day physical shipment. , or system price, gained 0.14 euros to 21.93. euros/MWh at an auction on the Nord Pool exchange.