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EU needs to follow U.S. on tariffs over Chinese items, Italy minister states

The European Union must follow the example of the United States and safeguard its industry by enforcing tariffs on Chinese items, Italian Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said on Saturday.

U.S. President Joe Biden revealed high tariff boosts this month on a variety of Chinese imports including electrical vehicle (EV) batteries, computer chips and medical products.

Biden will keep tariffs put in place by his Republican predecessor Donald Trump while ratcheting up others, including a. quadrupling of duties on electrical lorries to over 100% and. doubling the tasks on semiconductor tariffs to 50%.

Much greater tariffs versus Chinese products are unavoidable. if we do not want the European market to be wiped out, said. Urso, who is a member of conservative party Sibling of Italy,. speaking at a business conference.

Speaking about the automotive sector in particular, Urso. stated that the steep increase in U.S. tariffs could result in. China steering its exports towards Europe, damaging the bloc's. industry.

Urso required a stronger commercial policy by the European. Union as the bloc approaches European Parliament elections next. month.