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Shell sees emerging Asian markets taking more of world's growing LNG supply

Shell anticipates its Australian supplies of liquefied gas (LNG). to help meet need from emerging markets in south and southeast. Asia, which are tipped to soak up a few of the pick up in global. products towards completion of this years.

Asian spot LNG costs increased last week to the highest levels. considering that January as heat throughout the region stimulated demand. for the super-chilled fuel.

That combination of decarbonisation, and declining domestic. production (will drive LNG demand growth), Cecile Wake, Nation. Chair at Shell Australia informed on the sidelines of the. Australian Energy Producers Conference on Wednesday.

Wake expects Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Bangladesh. to be crucial need growth markets.

I believe, we explain it as hidden need in south and. southeast Asia, Wake stated, including that international LNG markets were. finely well balanced this year.

Wake said Shell's internal evaluation of need prospects in. Asia was why it was deeply dedicated to the Australian market.

We see ourselves competitively positioned to Asian markets. It is about maintaining that supply position, guaranteeing that. we've got high usage, high dependability of our LNG properties. here, she said.

Wake said Shell was pleased with how its flagship floating. LNG facility Prelude came out of its statutory shutdown in. Australia.

Prelude, whose deck is longer than 4 soccer fields, was. the world's very first floating LNG facility approximated to have expense. over $12 billion. It has suffered a string of interruptions given that it. started production in June 2019, including a fire that caused a. full power loss in December 2021.

The volumes this year are of course expected to be. higher than in 2015 due to the fact that it does not have a statutory. turnaround. It has actually come out of that statutory shutdown with both. higher dependability and a much tighter band of where we think the. performance variety is, Wake stated.

There's no significant statutory shutdowns this year or next. The. next major shutdown will not be until 2026, at this phase, she. said.