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Kuwait's KPC offers more high sulphur fuel oil for April-June

Kuwait Petroleum Corp. ( KPC) has provided a semiterm tender offering more high sulphur. fuel oil (HSFO) for loading between April to June, trade sources. stated on Wednesday.

This marks its second semi-term tender in simply a week, after. it closed another semi-term tender for March to June loading. throughout the previous week.

The refiner is offering 4 380-cst HSFO freights of 60,000. metric loads each for lifting from Kuwait during the period, the. sources stated, with the current tender closing on Wednesday.

The first freight is anticipated to load between April 10 to 19. and the second cargo will fill in May, while the 3rd and. 4th cargo will fill in June, the sources included.

The freights will load from either the Mina Al Ahmadi or Mina. Abdulla port.

KPC has been ramping up its fuel oil exports this year. including spot cargoes for its Al Zour refinery's extremely low. sulphur fuel oil.

Total fuel oil exports from Kuwait, including both HSFO and. VLSFO, are slated to breach a brand-new record high in March following. February, ship-tracking information from Kpler showed.