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Indonesian prosecutors have arrested two more Pertamina executives

The Attorney General's Office in Indonesia arrested two executives from a Pertamina unit on suspicion of corruption relating to fuel quality. This arrest follows other arrests made earlier this week.

Abdul Qohar told reporters that prosecutors arrested Maya Kusmaya - a marketing manager - and Edward Corne VP Trading at Pertamina Patra Niaga.

Pertamina Patra Niaga, a unit responsible for retail sales and fuel imports. Pertamina, Pertamina PATRA Niaga and Pertamina did not answer questions regarding the arrests.

On Tuesday, three other Pertamina executives were arrested. They are accused of colluding in order to justify the importation of crude oil and fuels rather than sourcing them locally as needed.

Pertamina stated that it was willing to work with the authorities and had a positive experience in the legal proceedings. It also emphasized the presumption innocence.

Abdul said that the two suspects who were arrested on Wednesday, are accused of having approved the importation 90-octane gas, also known as Pertalite at the same price as higher quality 92-octane fuel, Pertamax.

He said that the high prices of imported refined products did not match the quality.

Abdul added that both face charges for approving the decision to mix 88-octane gas, called Premium, with Pertamax. The fuel was then sold at a higher-octane price.

Pertamina stated in a press release that the 92-octane fuel met the standards and specifications established by the Energy Ministry.

Abdul stated that the executives used spot contracts instead of future contracts to order fuel. This caused Pertamina Patra Niaga's orders to be higher priced.

Abdul estimated that the losses for the state were 193.7 trillion rupiah (11,8 billion dollars). $1 = 16,365 Rupiah (Reporting and editing by John Mair; Ananda Teresia)

(source: Reuters)