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Oil production at Repsol's Venezuela joint ventures to double, CEO says

Oil production at Repsol's. Venezuela joint endeavors with state business PDVSA is. anticipated to double after a recent contract to broaden locations. designated to the projects, the Spanish oil company's Chief. Executive Josu Jon Imaz said on Thursday.

This arrangement includes two new fields (...) currently. producing 20,000 barrels a day, Imaz told analysts in a call to. discuss first-quarter outcomes.

So that implies that we are, thanks to this agreement,. doubling the existing production of Petroquiriquire which. currently stands at 20,000 barrels a day (bpd), he added,. referring to one of the company's joint ventures with PDVSA.

The Petroquiriquire joint venture, in which PDVSA has a 60%. interest and Repsol the remaining 40%, operates in several areas. of the country, including the prolific Monagas North region.

With the agreement, which was authorized by Venezuela's. National Assembly previously this month, we are improving Repsol's. position in oil production in Venezuela, first of all, permitting. us to recuperate a past business financial obligation thanks to this new. production in the oil field, Imaz said.

Under a U.S.-authorised swap arrangement with PDVSA that. Repsol expects to continue, the Spanish company has in recent. years recuperated pending financial obligation and dividends in Venezuela by. taking and refining Venezuelan crude. The pact likewise consists of. Repsol's supply of fuel to Venezuela.