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Austria's significance as gateway to Europe for Russian gas

Austrian oil and gas market leader OMV said on Wednesday that gas materials from Russia's. Gazprom could be suspended in connection with a. foreign court ruling, without recognizing the case or. counterparties.

Austria is now the European Union country that relies the. most on Russian gas, with lots of others having stopped purchases. considering that the energy crisis in 2022.

Here are facts about Austria as a remaining gateway for. Russian gas into Europe.


Land-locked Austria gets most of its gas from Russia. although it is trying to shift away after decades of reliance. A. German DIW study on Thursday put the share of Russian gas in. annual Austrian usage at 95% compared with 14% in the rest of. the EU, where Russian pipeline gas is not formally prohibited.

Austria's Baumgarten hub near the border with Slovakia. gets Russian gas via Ukraine, in addition to deliveries from. Norway and other nations.

In years prior to Russia's full-scale intrusion of Ukraine in. 2022, there were annual flows of the equivalent of 390 terawatt. hours (TWh) through the center, network operator Gas Connect. Austria said.

Austria can distribute gas to the Czech Republic, Italy and. south-east Europe, and remains an important point after Baltic Sea. pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2 have actually ceased to operate, and as. volumes through the Yamal transit line from Russia by means of Poland. and other Czech links from and into Germany have actually been falling.

Russia likewise continues to send gas into Romania and Turkey. and as liquefied gas (LNG) into European ports.


Ukraine has said it does not plan to prolong a five-year. deal with Russia's Gazprom on the transit of Russian gas to. Europe which expires at the end of this year or to sign another. one.

This has triggered Austria and other nations which receive. Russian gas via that path to prepare and take a look at other measures. to replace that lost supply.

Austria's energy minister also said in February that the. nation wished to end dependency on Russian gas, including. ending OMV's long-lasting contract to buy gas from Gazprom.


Austria's energy company showed 2023 nationwide use in the. nation alone at 75 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2023, down 17.5%. year-on-year. By contrast, Germany's was 813 TWh last year.


Austria's electronic gas trading platform is the Central. European Gas Center (CEGH).

On its virtual trading point, which serves 319 participants,. CEGH saw elections of 575.1 TWh in 2023, showing its function in. circulations to and from the region.

The churn rate, a market term explaining how many times gas. is traded before it is finally physically transferred, was 4.22. usually in 2023.


OMV, with a nationwide gas market share of 40%, has stated it. would have replacement cover for lost Russian gas supply, from. its own production centers in Norway and Austria and the. worldwide market.

It stated it has LNG capabilities at the GATE terminal in. Rotterdam, access to the EU's common gas purchasing platform and. to all European marketplaces, and matching transport. capacities.

Austria's energy regulator E-Control stated a suspension of. Gazprom exports had actually been factored into its winter 2024/25 and. winter 2025/26 supply circumstances.

Alternative import routes were readily available through Italy and. Germany, and Austrian utilities had taken precautionary procedures. for when Russian gas supply stops.