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South Africa suspends the search for illegal miners trapped in South Africa's mines due to safety concerns

Safety concerns led the South African authorities to suspend rescue operations on Monday for an unknown number of illegal miners allegedly trapped in a mine shaft abandoned west of Johannesburg.

An official from the emergency services said that the rescue teams managed to descend 70 metres into the shaft and reach a temporary platform before it became too dangerous to continue.

The search and rescue operation has been suspended for the time being. Robert Mulaudzi, of Johannesburg Emergency Services, told SABC that the reason was for the safety of rescuers. "A complex rescue operation such as this is required."

SABC reported that the miners could not exit the shaft because the pulley system they used to enter the mine and exit it snapped.

The owner of this shaft has not been disclosed.

Mulaudzi stated that rescue teams are trying to identify other possible entry points into the mine. They also spoke with members of the community to get more information.

At least 78 corpses were recovered from an illegal South African gold mine last month after the police had cut off water and food supplies for several months to crackdown on the activity.

Illegal mining occurs in many areas of South Africa. Undocumented miner known as zama-zamas (from an isiZulu phrase for "taking a risk") usually move into abandoned mines to extract remaining resources. (Reporting and editing by Bate Felix, Ros Russell, and Tannur Anders)

(source: Reuters)