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Platts says that the Brent crude oil benchmark is working as expected and no changes are planned.

Platts says that the Brent crude oil benchmark is working as expected and no changes are planned.

S&P Global Commodity Insights (Platts), a commodities reporting agency that provides information on commodity prices, stated Monday that the dated Brent crude oil market is working well since U.S. WTI was added to it. Further changes are not expected, Platts said.

The first year that WTI Midland was included in the Brent benchmark date after its inclusion in the basket began in May 2023 due to falling North Sea production, was also the first year in which it was the first crude oil grade outside of the North Sea.

Platts announced on Monday that Brent oil 2024 is a smooth ride for the benchmark dated after record trading volumes were recorded in the final months of the year.

Platts has not announced any changes to the benchmark for the event.

This year, we do not have any major initiatives to share about dated Brent. Richard Swann said that the past year was one of remarkably smooth operation. He spoke at Platts’ event in London as part of International Energy Week.

This is a market that's working well. The different components are seeing a lot more liquidity and they all contribute to the ecosystem around Brent.

Platts reported that a volume record of 39,7 million barrels was achieved for its North Sea crude oil physical cargoes in December. This includes contract for difference and cash BFOE fractions.

(source: Reuters)