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Three Libyan oil fields receive directions to resume production, engineers say

Libya's Sarir, Messla and Nafoura oilfields have received guidelines to resume production, engineers at the three fields informed Reuters on Saturday, after a. standoff in between competing political factions shut the majority of the. country's oilfields.

The resumption order was made by the fields' operator, the. Arabian Gulf Oil Business, which did not supply any reasons,. according to the engineers.

A battle to manage the Reserve bank of Libya (CBL). has actually triggered a blockade of oil production and threatens the worst. crisis in years for the significant energy exporter, long torn in between. rival eastern and western factions.

The standoff was set off when western factions moved. this month to oust veteran governor Sadiq al-Kabir and replace. him with a rival board, leading eastern factions to close down. all oil production.

The eastern-based administration, which controls. oilfields that account for practically all the nation's production,. are requiring western authorities back down over the replacement. of the CBL guv - a crucial position in a state where control. over oil earnings is the most significant reward for all factions.

Earlier on Saturday, the Libyan oil export port of Hariga. stopped running due to insufficient unrefined materials following. the near-total shutdown of the Sarir oilfield, the port's primary. provider, engineers at the terminal said.

The Sarir field usually produces about 209,000 barrels. per day (bpd). Libya pumped about 1.18 million bpd in July in. overall.

On Friday, Libya's National Oil Corporation said current. oilfield closures have actually triggered the loss of approximately 63% of. the nation's total oil production.

(source: Reuters)