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Ghana gets debt restructuring memorandum from main lenders

Ghana has actually gotten a draft memorandum of understanding on financial obligation restructuring from its bilateral lenders which it will now quickly examine with the goal of signing it quickly, its finance minister said on Friday.

The memorandum will formalise a

provisional contract

reached in January with federal government financial institutions, including China and France, to restructure $5.4 billion of financial obligation, as the West African nation attempts to chart its way out of its worst economic crisis in a generation.

Financing Minister Mohammed Amin Adam stated the document paved the way for the International Monetary Fund's executive board to fulfill next month to approve a disbursement of $360 million under the country's $3 billion bailout program.

Since yesterday, 23 May 2024, we officially received the draft Memorandum of Understanding from the Official Financial institution Committee (OCC), Amin Adam told a press instruction.

The federal government, for that reason, with assistance from our financial and legal advisors, will rapidly examine this draft arrangement with a view to settling and signing the agreement with the OCC as soon as possible.

Ghana defaulted on the majority of its overseas debt in December 2022 after servicing expenses soared, ending up being the 2nd African country after Zambia to default throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

It has reorganized the majority of its regional financial obligation however is yet to concur a handle holders of about $13 billion in international bonds.

On the talks with Eurobond holders, Amin Adam stated they ended in the middle of last month with extremely narrow differences, adding that the government was figured out to reach an agreement.

He stated $2.32 billion in foreign loans by year-end were anticipated to support the nation's international reserves and alleviate pressure on the cedi currency.

Regional economist Leslie Dwight Mensah, a research fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Researches, said the draft contract with main lenders would be a much-needed sentiment boost for the cedi.


Ghana's economy has actually begun to recover, with inflation alleviating from around 54% in December 2022 to 25% in April 2024 and 2023 development of 2.9% going beyond the IMF's 2.3% forecast.

Together with Zambia and Ethiopia, the world's. second-biggest cocoa manufacturer is revamping its debt under the. G20 Common Framework, a procedure set up throughout the pandemic to. speed up debt overhauls.

Nevertheless, development has been slow, holding back the countries'. economic healings and access to abroad loans, help and. financial investment.

The IMF stated Ghana's financial obligation unsustainable in its Financial obligation. Sustainability Analysis (DSA) and is going for the nation to. restore itself to a moderate danger of debt distress by 2028.

This would bring Ghana's public debt-to-GDP ratio from 88.1%. at the end of 2022 to 55% by 2028. Ghana in April discovered commonalities with some of its greatest. shareholders, including Western asset supervisors and regional. African banks. However the IMF stated that the interim offer was. outside the DSA limit and needed to be modified.

The African banks had actually also turned down parts of the offer,. including an option to keep the initial value of the bonds. with a longer maturity and lower discount coupon.

The government has said it is working to satisfy the IMF's. requirements.