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Infestations in two states of Malaysia have affected palm oil production

Infestations in two states of Malaysia have affected palm oil production

A minister revealed that palm oil plantations have been infested in two states of Malaysia, the second largest producer in the world. The country is recovering from flooding which has disrupted its production.

Plantation and Commodities minister Johari Abdul-Ghani stated in a Wednesday parliamentary response, which was then published on Thursday, that leaf-eating pests have been reported to be attacking in Peninsular Malaysia.

Johor, Perak and Perak account for 1.01 million of the 5.61 million acres of oil palm plantations.

In recent months, floods have affected the country's output. The result is that it has hit a six-month low.

Perak is experiencing an increase in oil palm crop threats. He said that to address the situation, a budget of 5 million Ringgit ($1.13million) was requested in order to intensify control efforts against this increasingly widespread outbreak.

He added that the Malaysian Palm Oil Board is taking steps to control the infestation, including spraying biopesticides and planting beneficial plants. Reporting by Ashley Tang, Editing by Sonia Cheema. $1 = 4.4220 ringgit

(source: Reuters)