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Sumitomo intends to set up 500 MW battery storage in Japan by early 2031

Sumitomo Corp aims to install 500 megawatts (MW) or more of battery storage in Japan by March 2031, from 9 MW now, to assist reduce renewable energy fluctuations and enhance the efficiency of the energy system, a. company official stated.

As resource-poor Japan broadens renewable resource to meet. decarbonisation objectives and improve energy security, battery usage. is expected to increase to ravel the periodic supply of. solar and wind energy.

Sumitomo's battery storage initiative becomes part of the. Japanese trading house's more comprehensive efforts to strengthen its energy. change company.

We aim to add to the stabilisation and. decarbonisation of the electrical power system by developing and. running big battery storages, Shigenobu Hamada, head of. Sumitomo's energy storage business system, told reporters.

Our goal is to establish a competitive battery storage. company by leveraging our proprietary functional systems, he. stated on Wednesday, including that Sumitomo is likewise seeking to. buy business abroad.

Sumitomo expects Japan's local battery storage capability to. grow from 2 gigawatt hours (GWh) in 2023 to 40 GWh by 2030,. while international capacity is anticipated to broaden from 190 GWh to. 2,206 GWh.

Battery storage is broadening rapidly worldwide, led by China. and the United States, however Japan lags due to smaller sized price. differences in the wholesale electrical power market, making it hard. for storage developers to create revenues, Sumitomo said.

However the Japanese market will likely take off on the back of. federal government support and institutional changes such as the. advancement of a market for changing electrical power supply and. need, the business stated.

Sumitomo has actually so far installed three energy storage. centers, including 6 MW at Chitose in the northern island of. Hokkaido, near where chipmaker Rapidus plans to construct a plant.

The trading business prepares to select appropriate sites from. 1,700 prospective places to include battery storage.

In Japan, as renewable resource implementation expands, output. controls by utilities to stabilize power supply and need have. end up being more frequent across the country, squandering potential tidy energy. that could otherwise be utilised.