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Belgium takes action better to prohibiting export of poisonous motor fuels

The Belgian government strategies to release a royal decree that tightens the quality of motor fuel exports within days, with the new guidelines expected to take effect after 3 months, the energy ministry stated.

The decree, which intends to tighten up the minimum requirements of fuel exports primarily to West Africa, mirrors a similar relocation in the Netherlands last year to bring a stop to the historically rewarding trade of looser-specification fuel and diesel out of Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA).

Already signed, the decree will be released within days, with its commitments working three months later on, a. representative for Belgium's environment minister Zakia Khattabi. told .

The decree was Khattabi's initiative, performed in. cooperation with the energy and public health ministries.

This ban targets oil companies that, primarily from the. port of Antwerp, export motor fuels with exceedingly high. sulphur or benzene content worldwide, the environment ministry. stated in a declaration.

These are fuels that have long been banned in Europe due to. their damaging results on public health and the environment.

The loss of Northwest Europe's major blending and storage. center for exports of refined fuels to West Africa produces a. logistical headache for refiners and traders over what to do. with the structural oversupply of low-quality, more affordable fuel that. would not be permitted in regional markets.