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Equinor first-quarter earnings down 37% on lower gas prices

Equinor published a. sharp fall in firstquarter revenue on Thursday, struck by tumbling. gas prices in Europe, however strong energy trading and. rising output restricted the decline.

The Norwegian oil and gas manufacturer's adjusted profits. before tax for January-March fell almost 37% to $7.53 billion. but beat the $7.2 billion forecast in a poll of 22 experts. put together by Equinor.

Production on the Norwegian continental rack was high, and. the global portfolio contributed with solid production. growth, Equinor CEO Anders Opedal stated in a declaration.

The company surpassed Russia's Gazprom as Europe's. most significant provider of natural gas in 2022 when Moscow's invasion. of Ukraine upended decades-long energy ties.

The Dutch TTF front-month gas contract,. Europe's benchmark, averaged 27.51 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). in the first quarter, down from 52.73 euros/MWh a year earlier,. reflecting a moderate winter and well-filled storage sites.

Equinor's operating income beat the marketplace agreement due to. somewhat greater output in the United States and strong outcomes. from both liquids and LNG trading, RBC expert Biraj. Borkhataria stated in a note.

Equinor pumped 2.16 million barrels of oil comparable per. day in the very first quarter, in line with expectations in the. analyst survey, and kept a projection that this year's oil. and gas output will stay flat versus 2023.

International oil and gas output rose by 3% from a year. previously, assisted by in 2015's acquisition of Suncor Energy's. British North Sea oil and gas assets and a 1% rise in domestic. production.

Equinor's Market, Midstream and Processing (MMP) department,. which includes its trading service, published a profit of $887. million, below $1.3 billion a year ago however ahead of a poll. forecast of $592 million.

The MMP result gone beyond Equinor's assistance variety of between. $ 400 million and $800 million, which the group stated was thanks. to strong results from liquids and LNG trading.