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Fortum sues former Russian business over unsettled loans

Finnish utility Fortum said on Tuesday it had filed legal procedures in a. Dutch civil court against Forward Energo, its former Russian. company, over overdue intercompany loans amounting to around 600. million euros ($ 648.60 million).

Previously this year, Fortum said it would seek billions of. euros in payment from Russia for Moscow's seizure in 2015. of the group's assets in the nation.

The claim, consisting of interest and default interest,. would total up to around 800 million euros, the business said in a. declaration, including the procedure is expected to take some years.

PAO Forward Energo (previously called PAO Fortum) is in. payment default of all intercompany loans. Most of these. loans have reached their maturity date and have not been. paid back, it stated.

Russia in 2023 took over seven thermal power units and a. joint-venture portfolio of wind and solar plants under a


by President Vladimir Putin after the utility had actually tried to. sell the possessions since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

(source: Reuters)