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Phillips 66 reports smaller-than-expected fourth quarter loss on renewables strength

Refiner Phillips 66 reported a smaller-than-expected loss on Friday as strength in its renewables segment offset a sharp decline in refining margins.

The renewable fuels segment posted a profit of $28 millions for the quarter, compared with a loss $11 million a year ago.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine caused supply shortages, the U.S. refinery industry enjoyed exceptional profits over a two-year period. A post-pandemic surge in demand also helped to boost margins.

New refining capacity will be available at the end 2023. This will cause margins to return back to normal and put pressure on refiner profit.

The 3-2-1 crack spread is a measure of the quarterly U.S. refinery profit margins. The average price of, has dropped by a third from the previous year, reaching as low as $16.04 in mid-December.

The realized margin of the company was $6.08 per barrel in the third quarter compared to $13.88 per barrel a year ago.

According to data compiled and analyzed by LSEG, on an adjusted basis the company reported a quarterly loss of 15 cents, compared to the average analyst estimate of 23 cents. (Reporting from Tanay in Bengaluru, Editing by Tasim)

(source: Reuters)