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Moldova says it will not block Russian gas flows to its breakaway area

Moldova will not block the supply of Russian gas to its breakaway Transdniestria region after a transit deal with Ukraine expires this year, the Moldovan energy minister said on Tuesday.

Kyiv has no strategies to extend an agreement to transport Russian gas to Europe through Ukraine that ends by the end of 2024, meaning that materials to Transdniestria might likewise stop.

The unrecognised statelet, which borders Ukraine to the east, has preserved autonomy from Moldova for 3 years with support from Moscow, which has more than a thousand troops stationed there.

Ex-Soviet state Moldova, which has actually denounced Russia's war in Ukraine, aims to sign up with the European Union.

Moldovan Energy Minister Victor Parlicov informed throughout a state visit to Norway to increase cooperation, including over energy, that Moldova's government would not stand in the method of Transdniestria getting gas from Russia.

We will not obstruct the supply of Russian gas to the area. Our company believe that together with Ukraine, we can discover a way to keep things calm in the Transdniestria area, he stated.

He later informed a meeting with Norwegian federal government authorities and businesses that Transdniestria would collapse if gas circulations stopped. We will take it slow, we do not want to blow things up, he stated.

In the past, Moldova relied practically solely on Russian gas under a handle Russia's state-controlled gas giant Gazprom but stepped up efforts to diversify sources in the wake of the Ukraine war, and today imports gas via Romania.

The nation has actually also built a power interconnector to Romania, but still gets most of its electrical energy from a large gas-powered plant in Transdniestria at a fairly low, fixed cost.

Norway already provides financial support to Moldova through its multi-billion-dollar Ukraine aid programme, the latter consisted of 400 million Norwegian crowns