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AG&P to establish LNG import terminals in east Indonesia

Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific (AG&P) LNG and its partners are poised to establish and run liquefied natural gas import terminals in east Indonesia, part of the country's strategies to roll out distribution and increase consumption of LNG.

The business's system, AGP Indonesia Utama, shipping firm Suasa Benua Sukses (SBS) and oil and gas provider KPMOG won a. 20-year contract from PLN Energi Guide (PLN EPI) to establish,. own and run the terminals and other gas facilities in. the Sulawesi-Maluku island cluster, AG&P LNG said in a statement. on Tuesday.

AG&P LNG will hold the biggest stake in the consortium, at. 35%. PLN EPI, a system of Indonesian state energy Perusahaan. Listrik Negara (PLN), will hold a 30% stake.

PLN did not respond to a request for comment.

The job will support Indonesia's objective of minimizing liquid. fuel use by about 1.7 million kiloliters annually throughout all. clusters, said AG&P LNG chief executive Karthik Sathyamoorthy.

The Sulawesi-Maluku island cluster is the largest among six. power-generating locations in east Indonesia that the government. goals to develop to improve domestic LNG intake. Within this. cluster, gas will be dispersed to 7 locations.

We are starting with the specified seven places, stated. Sathyamoorthy, adding but in future, as demand increases throughout. this broader Sulawesi-Maluku cluster, we will, as the consortium,. be provided unique rights to expand and provide extra. facilities.

The Sulawesi-Maluku cluster will have a total of 2.3 million. metric lots per year regasification capacity, and from this. cluster, the consortium will carry gas to 7 power plants. with a cumulative capability of 1,510 megawatts (MW).

Owned by PLN, the power plants in seven places within the. Sulawesi-Maluku cluster are dual-fuel and presently operated on. liquid fuels like diesel.

A transformed floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU). will be utilized as a main storage facility for the cluster at. one of the areas, while a small-scale LNG provider with. 23,000 cubic meter capability will transfer LNG to the 6 other. places.

Sathyamoorthy said the Sulawesi-Maluku cluster is anticipated. to reach commissioning by the first half of 2026, with LNG. supplied by PLN EPI from train three of BP's Tangguh LNG. center on a take-or-pay agreement that would require PLN to pay. for a fixed volume of imports.

Singapore-based AG&P LNG, a system of U.S. financial investment and. advancement firm Nebula Energy, had previously this month obtained. a 49% stake in Vietnam's Cai Mep LNG terminal. It likewise has an. import terminal in the Philippines, PHLNG in Batangas Bay. situated south of Manila.