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Ban on Russian uranium helps United States build nuclear fuel capability, official says

The U.S. has actually been preparing because 2022 for the possibility that Russian President Vladimir Putin would stop selling it nuclear power fuel, and a. pending ban on Russian imports will assist improve domestic capability. to process uranium fuel, the outbound leading atomic energy. main informed .

The U.S. Senate passed legislation on Tuesday that bans the. imports from Russia, the latest relocation by Washington to interfere with. Putin's ability to pay for the full-blown invasion of Ukraine. that started in 2022. The restriction, which is expected to be signed by. President Joe Biden, starts 90 days after enactment, although it. permits the Department of Energy to release waivers in case of. supply issues.

The move has caused worries that Putin could strike back by. freezing exports to the U.S. boosting uranium rates. Russia. supplied about 24% of the uranium utilized by reactors in the U.S. in 2022, and was its top foreign provider.

However Kathryn Huff, the DOE's assistant secretary for nuclear,. who steps down on Friday, told the U.S. is prepared for. any situation.

The reality is this: over the last few years there has been. a very real and present possibility that Russia could stop. abruptly sending out enriched uranium to the United States.

Nations consisting of Canada, France and Japan will assist the. U.S. deal with an allied alternative to Russian uranium, Huff. stated.

And the imports ban would open $2.7 billion from previous. legislation for building out the domestic uranium industry.

A paired structure in which we buy new conversion and. enrichment capacity and then safeguard those financial investments with some. import limitations is what's required, to cut reliance on. Russia, said Huff, who will return to university mentor and. nuclear research.

Nuclear plants only refuel about every 2 years and. agreements are exercised years ahead of time. Huff stated the U.S. has practically enough time or about three or four years, to. stand brand-new uranium conversion and enrichment capability and. change Russian imports.

In the U.S., the Vogtle nuclear plant in the state of. Georgia, opened this week after years of hold-up. However no brand-new. construction is on the books, causing concern the U.S. will. not be able to satisfy Biden's 2050 goal of decarbonizing the. economy.

Huff expects the next plant to come on line will be. Palisades, in Michigan. Holtec, the owner, is trying to resume a. nuclear plant for the first time in U.S. history. Palisades shut. in 2022, 10 days early due to an issue with a control rod.

Opponents of resuming Palisades, which opened in 1971, state. the reactor vessel is vulnerable to cracking, a scenario called. embrittlement.

Holtec, which got a $1.5 billion DOE loan in March, will. have to refurbish the plant to get approval from U.S. regulators, Huff said. I fully expect it will run much better. than it was operating before once they finish those. repairs.

Holtec representative Patrick O'Brien stated Palisades, which. still requires reauthorization, will undergo extensive inspections. before any reboot.